Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - beódan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- beódan
- Add: I. to command, (l) with dat. of person:--Æðelstán beót his biscopum, ꝥ gé þone frið healdan, Ll. Th. i. 240, 12. Mín fæder mé býd, Gen. 50, 5. Ne budþú mé ná ælmessan tó syllanne, Ps. Th. 39, 7. Man beád him út binnan .he was ordered to leave the country within five days, Chr. 1048; P. 177, note l. Man beád þá[m] folce þider, 1052; P. 175, 28. Ðæt hié him tó uná-berendlíce ne beóden ne plus justo jubeant, Past. 189, 19, Se biscop sceal beódan mid þon mǽston bebode þǽm mæssepreóstum, Bl. H. 47, 24. (2) with acc. of person, to summon:--Þonne beád man ealle witan tó cynge, Chr. 1010; P. 140, 27. Beád hé út scipfyrde, 1071; P. 208, 3. (3) to levy a tax:--His húscarlas þe 7thorn-bar; strange gyld budon, Chr. 1041; P. 162, 6. Se cyng lét beódan mycel gyld ofer eall Englaland, 1083; P. 215, 24. II. to offer, (l) to present an object:--Ne þincð mé ná, ꝥ þes sý munuc, þe þú mé beódest (commendas), Gr. D. 28, 4. Beódende (búd-, Hpt. Gl. 424, 5) offerentis (frontem armaiam), An. Ox. 755. (2) to propose to grant:--Beád hé heom heora ágene dóm feós . . . budon hí heora mágon ꝥ hí heom gesunde fram eódon, Chr. 755; P. 49, 16-21. Hié him eáþmédo budon, 827; P. 60, 33. Gafol beódan, 1011; P. 141, 19. (3) to attempt to do:--Gif him man bude þæ; man beád þám martyrum if they were treated as the martyrs were, Hml. Th. i. 212, 27. Athéne budon gefeoht Alexandra, ac he hié sóna forslóg, Ors. 3, 9; S. 134, 3. Be þǽm þe nán óðrum dynt ne beóde ut non presumat quisquam alium cedere, UNCERTAIN R. Ben. 8, 26. Ǽnig man óðrum ne beóde bútan riht; þæt is, þæt gehwá óðrum beóde þæt hé wille, þæt man him beóde, Wlfst. 29, 4-6: 112, 5: 179, 28. Gif hwá ǽnigum preóste ǽnig wóh beóde. Ll. Th. ii. 290, 2. ꝥ hé bude ut (virgini spurca ludibria) inrogaret, An. Ox. 4319. beodan