
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - beran

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

beoran, ic bere, beore, ðú birest, birst, byrst, he bireþ, byreþ, birþ, byrþ,

pl. beraþ; p. ic, he bær, ðú bǽre, pl. bǽron; pp. boren; I. to BEAR, carry, bring, bear or carry a sacrifice, offer, bear off, carry out, extend, wear, support, endure, suffer; ferre, portare, afferre, offerre, deferre, proferre, extendere, gerere, tolerare :-- Ðú eall þing birest thou bearest all things, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 551; Met. 20, 276. Heó gár bireþ she beareth the javelin, Salm. Kmbl. 876; Sal. 437. Eftbyreþ ofer lagustreámas leófne mannan shall bear back over the water-streams the beloved man, Beo. Th. 598; B. 296 : 4117; B. 2055. Se ðæt wicg byrþ he whom the horse carries, Elen. Kmbl. 2390; El. 1196. On handum hí beraþ ðé in manibus portabunt te, Ps. Spl. 90, 12. Secgas bǽron beorhte frætwa the warriors bare bright arms, Beo. Th. 432; B. 213. Ðe bǽron byrðena on ðises dæges hǽtan qui portavimus pondus diei et æstus, Mt. Bos. 20, 12 : Lk. Bos. 11, 27. Ne bere ge sacc nolite portare sacculum, Lk. Bos. 10, 4 : Ex. 22, 13. Him wæs ful boren to him the cup was borne, Beo. Th. 2388; B. 1192 : Cd. 6; Th. 8, 7; Gen. 120. Deóflum onsægdnesse bær dæmonibus hostias offerebat, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 13. Byreþ blódig wæl will bear off my bloody corpse, Beo. Th. 900; B. 448. Ða wiccungdóm wídest bǽron who carried the magic art furthest, Cd. 178; Th. 223, 18; Dan. 121. Ðæt ða hætt beran móston that they might wear [bear] a hat, Ors. 4, 10; Bos. 96, 20, 18. Ic nelle beran eówre gýmeleáste I will not endure your negligence, L. Ælf. C. 1; Th. ii. 342, 10. II. to BEAR, produce, bring forth; facere, ferre, edere, parere :-- Ǽlc gód treów byrþ góde wæstmas every good tree produces [facit] good fruits, Mt. Bos. 7, 17 : 7; 18. Ðæt wæs deáþes beám se bær bitres fela that was the tree of death which bare much of bitter, Cd. 24; Th. 31, 2; Gen. 479 : 30; Th. 40, 26; Gen. 645. Gif he to ðæm ríce wæs on rihte boren if he to that kingdom was rightly born, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 92; Met. 26, 46. [O. Sax. beran ferre, portare : O. Frs. bera : O. H. Ger. beran ferre, parere, gignere, generare : Goth. bairan; p. bar, pl. berum; pp. bairans to bear, carry, bring, bear children : O. Nrs. bera ferre, portare, sustinere, tolerare : Grk. φέρειν : Sansk. bhri to bear, hence Goth. barn a child : A. Sax. bearn a child.] DER. a-beran, æt-, be-, for-, fór-, forþ-, ge-, in-, on-, óþ-, to-, under-, up-, upa-, upge-, ymb- : berende, deáþ-, feorh-, gár-, helm-, leóht-, reord-, sǽd-, sweord-, un-, wæstm- : berend, gár-, gást-, helm-, reord-, sáwl-, segn-, tácn- : berendnis, un- : bere, -ærn, -corn, -flór, -gafol, -græs, -hláf, -sǽd, -tún, -wíc : berie, berige, berge, blæc-, byrig-, hind-, streów-, wín- : brid : bearn, cyne-, dryht-, folc-, freó-, frum-, god-, hǽlu-, húsul-, steóp-, sweostor-, world-, þryþ- : -cennung, -eácen, -eácnung, -gebyrdo, -gestreón, -lést, -lufe, -myrþra, -teám : bearm, -cláþ, -rægl : beorma, bearm, gebyrman : byre : ge-byrd, -dæg, -tíd, -wiglǽre, -witega : byrde, ge-, in- : frum-byrdling, in-byrdling : beorþ, berþ, berþ-estre, berþ-ling; hyse- : beorþor, -cwelm, -þínen, hyse- : bǽr, bǽran, bǽr-disc : bǽre, æppel-, corn-, cwealm-, cwyld-, hlís-, horn-, leóht-, lust-, wæstm-, unwæstm- : bǽrnes, lust-, wæstm-, unwæstm- : byrðen, mægen-, sorg-, syn- : bora, cǽg-, horn-, mund-, rǽd-, rǽs-, segen-, sóþ-, sweord-, tácn-, wǽg-, wǽpen-, wíg-, wóþ-, wróht- : boren, æðel-. beran

Mots connexes: a.
