
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - blówan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

part. blówende; ic blówe, ðú blówest, bléwst, he blóweþ, bléwþ, pl. blówaþ; p. ic, he bleów, ðú bleówe, pl. bleówon; pp. blówen; 1. to BLOW, flourish, bloom, blossom; florere, efflorere, reflorere :-- Wudu sceal blǽdum blówan the wood shall blow with flowers, Menol. Fox 527; Gn. C. 34: Exon. 109 a; Th. 417, 6; Rä. 35, 9. Wæs Aarones gyrd gemétt blówende and berende hnyte Aaron's rod was found blossoming and bearing nuts, Homl. Th. ii. 8, 15. Ic eom bearu blówende I am a blooming grove, Exon. 108 a; Th. 412, 22; Rä. 31, 4. Ic blówe floreo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 2; Som. 28, 44. Swá swá blósma æceres swá he blóweþ [bléwþ, Spl.] tamquam flos agri sic efflorebit, Ps. Lamb. 102, 15. Hió gréwþ and bléwþ and westmas bringþ it grows and blossoms and produces fruits, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 6. Se rihtwísa swá palmtreów bléwþ justus ut palma florebit, Ps. Lamb. 91, 13. Híg blówaþ swá swá gærs eorþan florebunt sicut fœnum terræ, 71, 16. Aarones gyrd greów and bleów and bær hnyte Aaron's rod grew and blossomed and bare nuts, Homl. Th. ii. 8, 18. Bleów flǽsc mín refloruit caro mea, Ps. Lamb. 27, 7. Ǽr ðon eówre treówu telgum blówen [MS. blówe] ere your trees flourish with branches, Ps. Th. 57, 8. 2. blówan to blossom, is sometimes used in Anglo-Saxon instead of bláwan to blow; and thus, blówan was occasionally used by the Anglo-Saxons as the present English to blow. We say to blow as the wind, and to blow or blossom as a flower. v. bláwan. [Wyc. R. Glouc. blowe: Laym. blowen: O. Sax. blójan: Frs. bloeyen: North Frs. blöye: O. Frs. bloia: Dut. bloeijen: Ger. blühen: M. H. Ger. blüejen, blüen, bluon: O. H. Ger. bluohan, bluojan, bluon: Lat. florere: Grk. φλέω, φλoίω to be in full vigour or bloom: Sansk. phal to burst, blossom.] DER. geblówan. blowan

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