
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - bócere

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


m. A writer, scribe, an author, a learned man, instructor; scriptor, scriba, interpres, vir doctus vel literatus :-- Ðá cwæþ se bócere, Láreów, well ðú on sóþe cwǽde then the scribe said, Master, thou in truth hast well said, Mk. Bos. 12, 32. Hwæt secgeaþ ða bóceras why say the scribes? Mt. Bos. 17, 10. Hieronimus se wurþfulla and se wísa bócere awrát be Iohanne the worthy and the wise author Jerome wrote concerning John, Ælfc. T. Lisle 32, 1. Ǽlc gelǽred bócere forlǽt ealde þing and niwe every learned writer brings out old things and new, 39, 5. Swá ðætte swá hwæt swá he of godcundum stafum þurh bóceras geleornode ita ut quicquid ex divinis literis per interpretes disceret, Bd. 4, 24; S. 596, 33. We witan ðæt, þurh Godes gyfe, þrǽl wearþ to þegene, and ceorl wearþ to eorle, sangere to sacerde, and bócere to biscope we know that, by the grace of God, a slave has become a thane, and a ceorl [free man] has become an earl, a singer a priest, and a scribe a bishop, L. Eth. vii. 21; Th. 1. 334, 7-9. bocere