
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - cearig

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

ceareg, ceari;

adj. [cearu care, sorrow] Careful, sorrowful, pensive, wary, CHARY, anxious, grieving, dire; sollicitus, cautus, querens, mente turbatus, dirus :-- Hie bidon hwonne bearn Godes cwóme to cearigum they waited till the child of God should come to the sorrowful, Exon. 10a; Th. 10, 6; Cri. 148. Cearegan reorde in a sorrowful voice, Andr. Kmbl. 2218; An. 111. Wæs Meotud on beám bunden fæste cearian clomme the Creator was bound fast on the tree with dire bond, Exon. 116b; Th. 449, 6; Dóm. 67. Ne þurfon wyt beón cearie æt cyme Dryhtnes we need not be anxious at the Lord's coming, Exon. 100a; Th. 376, 29; Seel. 162. DER. earm-cearig, ferhþ-, gnorn-, hreów-, mód-, sorg-, winter-. cearig