
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - clýfa

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

clífa, an;

m, [cleófa, cleófan to cleave, divide, separate]. I. a separate place for man, -- A chamber; cubiculum, cubile :-- Ne máge we hreppan ǽnne wyrm binnon ðlnum clýfan we may not touch a worm in thy chamber, Homl. Th. ii. 416, 23. On díglum oððe on incófan, oððe on clýfum in cubīlibus, Ps. Lamb. 4, 5. On his incófan oððe on his clýfan in cubīli suo, 35, 5. II. a separate place for wild beasts, -- A cave, den; antrum, caverna, cubile :-- On ðám clífum ðe dracan oneardedon in the dens which dragons dwelt in; in cubīlibus, in quĭbus dracōnes habitābant, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 22. DER. bed-clýfa, gebed-, hord-, in-,

Mots connexes: cleófa. clyfa
