
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - crocca

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

In bracket dele all but Scandinavian forms, and add: crocce (?), an; f.:--Crocha, chroca, chroa, croha citropodes, Txts. 46, 171. Crohha luteum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 113, 27. Crocca, 51, 24:olla fictilis, 65, 38: anfora, i. 25, 9. Swylce þǽr tóburste sum mycel crocca (olla), Gr. D. 87, 19. Hwer l crocce lebes, Ps. L. 107, 10. and next word. crocca

Mots connexes: cryccen,
