Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - cwic
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- cwic
- Take here the (accusative) forms given under cwicen and those under cwicu, and add:--Nát nǽnig man hwæþer se Jóhannes sí þe cwicu þe deád, Shrn. 32, 30. Cwucu vivus, Scint. 37, 16. Ðeós wyrt is swylce heó symle cwicu (cwice, cuca, ) sý, Lch. i. 270, 19. Hé wunade on þám wundum cucu, Hml. S. 2, 306. Hié wéndon ꝥ heora hláford wǽre on heora feónda gewealde oððe cuca oððe deád, Ors. 3, 9; S. 134, 29. Mǽnende ꝥ hé tó him cuco (cucan (dat.), S. 244, 5) ne cóm, and ꝥ hé swylcon deáðe swealt, Ors. 5, 12; Th. 462, 16. Cuce vivus, Wrt. Voc. i. 28, 67. Genim cwicenne (cwicne, v. l.) fox, Lch. i. 340, 25. Þone cásere cwicenne (altered from cwicne) forbærnan, Bl. H. 191, 12. Heora godas bǽdan þæt him mon sealde ǽnne cucne (cucenne, Th. 330, 23) mon, Ors. 3, 3; S. 102, 28. Hé nánne ne lét cucne (cucune, Th. 472, 27), 6, 2; S. 256, 1. Hine cucene þe deádne, Shrn. 47, 3. Cucenne hine forbærnan, Hml. Th. i. 372, 10. Cukenne (cwicne, v. l.), Gr. D. 17, 22. Scealt þú eal ꝥ deáde of ásníþan oþ ꝥ cwice líc, Lch. ii. 82, 27. Þá Rómáne hié cuce bebyrgdan. Ac . . . hié mid hiera cucum onguldon þæt hié ungyltige cwealdon, Ors. 4, 7; S. 184, 6-10. v. ed-cwic. cwic