Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - deorc
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- deorc
- Add: I. without light :-- Deorc tenebrosus, Wülck. Gl. 246, 3. Eal bið úpheofon sweart and gesworcen, deorc and dimhíw tristius coelum tenebris obducitur atris, Dóm. L. 106; Wlfst. 137, 9. Þeós deorce niht getácnaþ micel leóht tówerd, Hml. S. 29, 14. II. of colour :-- Deorc, dungrǽg fuscus, i. niger, Wülck. Gl. 246, 3 : furua, fusca, nigra, 245, 41. Ceruleus, i. glaucus grénehǽwen, fáh, deorc. Color est inter album el nigrum, subniger. Cerulei profundi deorcre dýpan, 203, 1-4. Deorces sótes furus (i. nigre) fuliginis, An. Ox. 4157. Deorcre caerula, Germ. 389, 73. Geolwum oððe deorcum fuluis, Wülck. Gl. 401, 39. III. gloomy, dreadful, horrible :-- Duerc teter, Wrt. Voc. ii. 122, 13. On deorce cwicsúsle in tetra tartara. An. Ox. deorc