
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - diht

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


m. Add: I. order, arrangement, disposition of material:--God geswác ðæs dihtes ealra his weorca . . . Hé gedihte ealle gesceafta . . . and on ðám deópan dihte stódon ealle þá ðing ðe ðágyt nǽron. Witodlíce wé wǽron on þám dihte, Hml. Th. ii. 206, 8-19. I a. of composition:--Fíf béc hé áwrát mid wundorlicum dihte, Ælfc. T. Grn. 3, 18. Hé gesette þurh his sylfes diht án þúsend bóca, Hml. A. 5, 105. II. direction of action, conduct:--Wé ne beóð be ágenum dihte ácennede, Hml. Th. ii. 230, 30: 232, 1. Hí leofodon him be heora ágenum dihte, be nánes ealdres wissunge, Hml. A. 44, 502: Ælfc. T. Grn. 20, 8. II a. direction by one in authority, (1) of men:--Benedictus sǽde þæt heora þeáwas ne mihton his dihte (his rule as abbot) geðwǽrlǽcan, Hml. Th. ii. 158, 7. Hý bedreáf onfón æfter heora abbodes dyhte (dispositionem), R. Ben. 47, 5. Þæt hí drohtnian on mynstre be heora ealdres dihte, Hml. Th. i. 318, 9. Be Maures dihte ádreógan his líf, Hml. S. 6, 221. (2) of the Deity:--On þám micclan dihte Godes foresceáwunge, Hml. A. 70, 120. Æfter Godes dihte, 24, 14. Ealle gesceafta ðeówiað hyra Scyppende, for ðon þe hí farað æfter Godes dihte, Hml. Th. i. 172, 17. Hé áwrát ðá ealdan ǽ be Godes dihte, 312, 14: 40, 33. Marcus be Godes dihte gefór tó Ǽgypta lande, Hml. S. 15, 1. Seó sunne gǽð be Godes dihte, Lch. iii. 234, 19. On bócum þe ðurh Godes dihte gesette wǽron, Hml. Th. ii. 444, 19. Þurh Godes diht, 594, 23. III. the office of a director:--Scír vel diht dispensatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 65. Gesette hé þæne and gehádige tó ðám dihte abbodhádes þe Godes hús wel fadige (gesetton þone tó abbode and gehádian tó ðám dihte ꝥ hé Godes hús wel fadige, ) domui Dei dignum constituant dispensatorem, R. Ben. 119, 11. IV. an order, precept:--Ditio vel arbitrio, judicio vel ratione, lege vel dihte, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 9. Dómas and dihtas rihte man geornlíce, þæt leód and lagu trumlíce stande, Wlfst. 74, 8. v. ge-diht. diht

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