Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - dǽl
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- dǽl
- Add: pl. dǽle (gelimplice daele conpetentes portiunculas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 104, 79), dǽlas. I. a part (in contrast with the whole):--Tódǽlde se here on tú, óþer dǽl eást, óþer dǽl tó Hrófesceastre, Chr. 885; P. 78, 9. Sumursǽtna se dǽl sé þǽr niéhst wæs, 878; P. 76, 5. Se écea dǽl, Bl. H. 111, 32: Gú. 352. Se eorðan dǽl (the body). . se wuldres dǽl (the soul), 1340-2. Hié micel þæs folces ofer sǽ ádrǽfdon, and þæs óþres þone mǽstan dǽl hié geridon, Chr. 878; P. 74, 27. Hé tóbærst on feówer dǽlas, Bl. H. 189, 14. II. denoting amount, quantity, &c., some (in contrast with none), a deal, lot, portion:--Nǽnig dǽl regnes ne ungewidres in cuman ne mæg, Bl. H. 125, 33. Ne wund ne láðes dǽl neither wound nor any hurt, An. 1476. Bicgað ús sumne dǽl metes (pauxillum escarum), Gen. 43, 2. Sumne dǽl tyrwan modicum resinae, 11. Tó feormianne sumne dǽl hwǽtes ad purgandum triticum, Gr. D. 97, 2: Hml. S. 23, 473: Chr. P. p. 5, 1. Syle sumne dǽl (þæs fisces) ðám earne, Hml. Th. ii. 140, 7. Hwæðer sǽ dǽl ǽnigne grénre eorðan ofgifen hæfde, Gen. 1453. Nǽnigne dǽl leóhtes scíman geseón ne minimam quidem lucis alicujus particulam videre, Bd. 4, 10; Sch. 401, 10. Tó góde gedón þone dǽl þe wé dón magon (as much as we can), Wlfst. 188, 13. II a. a great quantity, (cf. deal, lot in mod. E.), a (great) deal:--Dryhtmáðma dǽl, B. 2843. Oferhygda dǽl much pride, 1740. Lífwynna dǽl, Cri. 807: Deór. 30. Þæt is wundres dǽl it is a great wonder, Rä. 61, 10. Beran wunden gold and seolfres dǽl, 56, 4. Weána dǽl, B. 1150: 2028: Vy. 67. Ne mæg weorðan wís wer, ǽr hé áge wintra dǽl (many years) in woruldríce, Wand. 65. Leóðworda dǽl reccan, An. 1490. ¶ sum-dǽl some-what, some (cf. Chauc. som-del; adv.):--Hé gewát féran út sum-dǽl óðres weorces (sum weorc, ) tó wyrcanne ad exercendum opus aliquod discessit, Gr. D. 63, 28. Ꝥ heó mihte sum-dǽl (sumne dǽl, v. l.) hwǽtes geclǽnsian, 97, 3. ¶ in adverbial phrases:--Þæt lond þe mon Ongle hǽt, and Sillende and sumne dǽl Dene, Ors. 1, 1; S. 16, 7. Sume daeli partim, Wrt. Voc. ii. 115, 80. Be dǽle somewhat, in some measure:--Bútan hit gelimpe þæt man be dǽle (aliquid) rǽdinga gescyrte, R. Ben. 36, 4: 94, 6. Hí be dǽle hí gereordodon, Hml. S. 23, 240. Nim hunig be dǽle take a little honey, Lch. iii. 58, 30. Hé cúðe be dǽle Lýden understanden he knew a little Latin, Ælfc. T. Grn. 22, 14. Be sumum dǽle to some extent, Past. 231, 2, 15: Wlfst. 166, 4. Be ǽnigum dǽle in any measure, 165, 2: Bt. 38, 7; F. 210, 9. Be nánum dǽle gefæstnode tó Gode, 39, 7; F. 222, 18. Be (þám) dǽle þe (þæt) in so far as, to the extent that:--Be dǽle ðe wé mægen in quantum possumus, Past. 231, 4. Be þám dǽle þe hé mæge quantum possit, Ll. Th. ii. 182, 10: Bt. 34, 12; F. 152, 19: Shrn. 163, 8: 186, 16: 194, 14. Be þǽm dǽle þæt (þe, v. l.) hié mehton, Ors. 4, 5; S. 168, 24. Wé nú gehýrdon of hwylcumhugu dǽle secggan be . . . we have now in some sort heard say about . . ., Bl. H. 103, 18. Þæt hé Grécisc gereord of miclum dǽle cúðe ut Graecam linguam non parva ex parte noverit, Bd. 5, 20; Sch. 673, 27. III. part, share, portion:--Eart þú on lifigendra lande mín se gedéfa dǽl tu es portio mea in terra viventium, Ps. Th. 141, 5. Mé ys on dǽle þæt ic wylle þíne ǽ healdan portio mea custodire legem tuam, 118, 57. Þú móst heonon húðe lǽdan ealle búton dǽle þissa drihtwera, Gen. 2150. Ðú miht habban ðínne dǽl ðæs sóþan leóhtes, Bt. 36, 2; F. 174, 17: A. Crä. 7. Synd foxes dǽlas partes vulpium erunt, Ps. Th. 62, 8. IV. part (where there is community, association):--Sýn hí á fram ǽlcum Godes dǽle (from any part in God) áworpene, Ll. Th. i. 246, 15. Næfst þú nánne dǽl myd mé, Jn. 13, 8. V. part, way of life:--Sié hira dǽl scired mid Marian, El. 1232. Maria geceás þone sélestan dǽl, Lk. 10, 42: Bl. H. 67, 35. VI. in a local sense, part, region, quarter, district:--Dǽles climatis, i. partis, An. Ox. 1443. Hwider mæg ic þínne andwlitan befleón eorðan dǽles a facie tua quo fugiam?, Ps. Th. 138, 5. On þǽm dǽle þe Decius on ofslagen wæs, Ors. 3, 10; S. 138, 15. In þǽm dǽle þe hé mid tán geeóde, Bl. H. 121, 9. Geond þisse eorðan ǽghwylcne dǽl in universa terra, Ps. Th. 104, 7. Fison foldan dǽl bebúgeð, Hebeleat, Gen. 222. On þás niþeran dǽlas þisse ceastre, Bl. H. 239, 6. Worolde dǽlas, síde ríce, B. 1732. On Indéa óþre dǽlas, Ap. 51. On þone wyrsan dǽl to the left hand, Cri. 1226. Of þǽre ylcan stówe dǽlum (sumum dǽle, v. l.) de ejusdem loci partibus, Gr. D. 67, 1: 70, 35. Neáh þám dǽlum Tuscie þǽre mǽgðe, 71, 23. VI a. part, particular:--Gif hié on ǽnigum dǽle wólíce libban heora líf, Bl. H. 109, 19. VII. part (in for my, your, &c., part), side, behalf:--Mænigfealde þearfe ge Godes dǽles ge worolde dǽles, Cht. Th. 167, 17. Ic geseah of dǽle ꝥ mé þá earfeðu becwóman ego cernens ex parte mea id accidisse, Nar. 6, 24. Bið sé his dǽl synnig he for his part will be guilty, Ll. Th. i. 138, 17. VIII. in numeration, time:--Is ánra gehwylc synderlíce xxx-tigum ðúsendum dǽla lengra ðonne eal middangeard, Salm. K. 150, 13. v. eástsúþ-, middel-, neáh-, twi-dǽl. dæl