
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - dógor-rím

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


n. [rím a number] Number of days, time of life; diērum numĕrus, vitæ spătium :-- Óþ-ðæt ende cymeþ dógorrímes till the end of the number of days cometh, Exon. 62 b; Th. 231, 6; Ph. 485. Náne forlét deáþ dógorríme death lets none escape after a number of days, Bt. Met. Fox 10, 133; Met. 10, 67. Is ðes þroht to ðæs heard dógorrímum this suffering is so hard in the days of my life, Elen. Kmbl. 1406; El. 705. dogor-rim