
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ég-búende

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

pl. m. adj. Used as a noun, An island dweller; ad aquam vel in insŭla hăbĭtans :-- On ðǽre ealdan byrig Acemannes ceastre; hie égbúendas [MS. egbuend] Baðan nemnaþ in the old town Akemansceaster [the pained man's city]; the islanders call it Bath, Chr. 974; Th. 224, 20, col. 2, 3; Edg. 4. Gehwæm égbúendra to each of the islanders, 975; Th. 230, 5; Edg. 57.

Mots connexes: íg-búende. eg-buende
