
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - færeld

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: (n. and) m. I. of movement, (1) going, walking, &c.:--Færelde cursu (rapidissimo abscessit), An. Ox. 4903. Þú on hrædum færelde þone heofon ymbhweorfest rapido coelum turbine versas, Bt. 4; F. 6, 31. (1 a) a particular mode of travel:--Mót hé swá rídan, swá rówan, swá swilce færelde faran swylce tó his wege gebyrige, Ll. Th. ii. 420, 24. (1 b) ability to walk:--Hé gesundfull his færeldes breác, Hml. Th. ii. 136, 5. Healtum hí forgeáfon færeld, i. 544, 33. Underfóð þá healtan færeld, Hml. S. 29, 337. (2) a going, course, journey:--Þes mónan færeld, on hwilcum tungle hé nú is oþþe on hwilce hé ðanon géð quo cras signo luna cursura sit, Solil. H. 17, 18: 20, 16. Ðæt wǽre getácnod ðurh Balaham on ðǽre lettinge his færeltes (in ipsa ejus itineris retardatione), Past. 255, 20. Hig æfter ridon ídelum færelde, Jos. 2, 7. Faran þreóra daga færeld, Ex. 3, 18. Gif þet Godes wille seó þæt heó ꝥ færeld áge (that she be able to make the journey), Cht. Th. 481, 13. Se cwyrnstán tyrnð singallíce and nǽnne færeld ne ðurhtíhð the millstone turns continually and never moves a step from its place, Hml. Th. i. 514, 20. Færeltu meatus, færeð meat, Wrt. Voc. ii. 57, 32. Færeldum meatibus, An. Ox. 4857. Mid flugelum færeldum fugitiuis discursibus, 263. (2 a) a military expedition:--Hé wæs biddende . . . ꝥ hé móste on Ispánie firde gelǽdan, and hé ꝥ færelt þurteáh . . . Rómáne wǽron þæs færeltes swá geornfulle . . . þæt hié eall him gesealdon þæt hié þá hæfdon on þǽm færelte tó fultume, Ors. 4, 10; S. 196, 12-20. Sendon Rómáne hiene þæt hé þæs færeltes consul wǽre consul creatus in Africam transiit, S. 200, 2. Hé gegaderade fierde, and wolde faran on Perse . . . ac God gewræc on þǽm færelte . . . his árleáse geþóht, 6, 31; S. 282, 29: 4, 10; S. 194, 4. II. of space traversed, a way, road:--Seó sǽ him gerýmde þreóra míla dríes færeldes, Hml. Th. i. 564, 18. II a. the run, track of an animal:--Denn l fereldu lustra (vaga venatrix (the cat) rimabor lustra ferarum, Ald. 265, 7), An. Ox. 26, 47. Færeltu lustra (cf. ryne lustra, 50, 42), Wrt. Voc. ii. 53, 21. III. a means of transport, carriage, vehicle:--Færelde, wǽne uehiculo, An. Ox. 4164: 2, 378: 11, 189. IV. people (and things) in movement, an expeditionary force, a train, retinue:--Fór se consul on Affrice and mid eallum his færelte on sé forwearð universam classem naufragio amisit, Ors. 4, 6; S. 180, 2. Hé bebeád þæt nán crísten mon ne cóme on his hiérede ne on his færelte omnes Christianos e palatio suo jussit expelli, 6, 30; S. 282, 29. V. of conduct, course, way of life, proceeding:--Ic ǽlcum sylle æfter his færelde do unicuique juxta viam suam (Jer. 17, 10), Hml. Th. i. 114, 17. His wiðerwinna wæs on eallum his færelde sum drý, 370, 32. Se líchoma dǽm móde wiernð his unnyttan færelta, Past. 257, 9. VI. referring to the Passover:--Pascha is on Léden transitus, and on Englisc færeld; for ðan on ðisum dæge férde Godes folc ofer ðá Reádan sǽ, Hml. Th. ii. 282, 15. [Icel. farald.] in Dict. færeld

Mots connexes: fram-, hám-, onweg-, sǽ-, scip-, úp-, wealh-færeld; fereld
