Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - færelt
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- færelt
- n. A going, progress, expedition; ĭter, gressus, expĕdītio :-- Wænes sió eax welt ealles ðæs færeltes the axle-tree of a waggon regulates all its going, Bt. 39, 7; Fox 220, 29, note 26. On ðæm færelte in the progress, 39, 7; Fox 222, 19, note 18. On færelte in itĭnĕre, Past. 4, 1; Swt. 36, 22. He ðæt færelt swíðost þurhteáh he most chiefly undertook that expedition, Ors. 4, 10; Bos. 93, 31. Ðæt Scipia ðæs færeltes consul wǽre that Scipio was the leader of the expedition, 4, 10; Bos. 95, 2: 4, 10; Bos. 93, 34. Æt ðam ǽrran færelte in the former expedition, 4, 10; Ors. 92, 31: 4, 10; Bos. 93, 37.