
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - fæsten-gewerc

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Substitute : fæsten-geweorc, es; n. Work at the repairing or construction of fortifications: one of the three obligations included in the trinoda necessitas. excepto expeditione et arcis pontisque constructione, v. 218, 25. Fyrðe and brycge and festergeweorc héwe swá mon ofer eall folc dó, 151, 30. fæsten-gewerc

Mots connexes: burh-bót, brycg-geweorc :-- Bútan fæstengewerce and fyrdsócne and brycggeweorce, C. D. ii. 111, 16. Fæstengeworce, 24. Freódóm from ǽghwelcum eorðlecum þeówdómæ bútan firdæ and fæstængewæorcæ and brycggewæorce
