Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - feccan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
feccean, fæccan;
- p. feahte, fehte; pp. feaht, feht To FETCH, bring to, draw; addūcĕre, tollĕre, afferre, haurīre :-- Ðæt he sceolde hine feccan that he should fetch him; Bd, 4, 1; S. 564, 43: Chr. 1017; Erl. 161, 10: Gen. 27, 42, 45: Ex, 2, 5. Com án wíf wæter feccan vēnit mŭlier haurīre ăquam; Jn. Bos.4. 7, 15. He his dóhter lét feccean he caused his daughter to be fetched, Chr. 1121; Erl. 248, 35. Ic fecce wæter affĕram pauxillum ăquæ, Gen. 18, 4. Hig feccaþ ðíne sáwle fram ðé they will fetch away thy soul from thee, Lk. Bos. 12, 20. Ðás menn ðé feccaþ these men fetch thee, Num. 22, 20. Gif preóst crisman ne fecce [fæcce MS. B.] if a priest fetch not the chrism, L. E. G. 3; Th. i. 168, 11. Se ðe ys uppan hys húse, ne gá he nyðer ðæt hé ǽnig þing on his húse fecce qui in tecto, non descendat tollĕre alĭquid de dŏmo sua, Mt. Bos. 24, 17: L. Edg. C. 67; Th. ii. 258, 20. Ðæt gé ðisne eówerne bróður feccon that ye fetch this your brother, Gen, 42, 34. [Laym. fæchen: Orm. fecchenn: O. Frs. faka to prepare, make ready.] DER. a-feccan, ge-. feccan