
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - feor

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

adj. Add:--Hé fæder forlét and feorr (feor, ) land (feorrland? v. feor-land) sóhte in longinquam regionem abiit, Gr. D. 106, 26. Hé foerde on lond unnéh l suiðe fearr (feor, R. adv.?) abiit in regionem longinquam, Lk. L. 19, 12. Ðæt folc nolde geliéfan ðeáh him mon feorr lond (feorrland?) on fierste gehéte, gif him sóna ne sealde sum on neáweste sé him ðæt máre gehétt neque populus promissionibus Dei in longinquum crederet, si a promissore suo non etiam e vicino aliquid percepisset, Past. 389, 33. Gehwylce men þe þǽr landleóde wǽron, ge þá nearran ge þá feorran (fyrran, v. l.) vicini vel longe positi ejusdem loci accolae, Gr. D. 230, 8. Munecas of feorrum stówum, Hml. S. 23 b, 29. Seó fyrre Ægyptus . . . seó ús neárre Ægyptus Aegyptus superior . . . Aegyptus inferior, Ors. 1, 1; S. 14, 1. Hé sceolde faran tó þǽre fyrran India, Hml. S. 36, 256. In ðone firran in citeriorem (alvei marginem), Wrt. Voc. ii. 82, 82. [O. Frs. ferr, firr: O. Sax. ferr: O. H. Ger. ferr(i).] v. firra, fyrra in Dict.; feor-nes. feor

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