Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - feówer
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- feówer
- Add: I. adjectival. (1) uninflected:--Wáron feówer (feór, L.) þúsend manna, Mt. 15, 38. Bisen féwer nétna similitudo quattuor animalium, p. 9, 10. Gesceapen of feówer gesceaftum, Bl. H. 35, 12. From féwer (feówre, R.) windum, Mt. L. 24, 31. Féwor streámas, p. 8, 5. Féuor dagas, Jn. L. 11, 17. Féuoer dǽlo, 19, 23. (1 a) with pronoun or indef. numeral adj.:--Sume feówer cyninges þegnas, Chr. 896; P. 89, 7. Þá feówer onwealdas þára feówer heáfedríca, Ors. 6, l; S. 252, 3. Ðá feówer hringas on ðám feówer hyrnum, Past. 171, 3. Þá lára þára feówer godspellera, Bl. H. 35, 11. Æt þissum feówer endum, 95, 13. Þá feówer (feówðer, MS.) worðias, C. D. iinter illa CXLIIII milia, Rtl. 104, 12. (1 c) as part of an ordinal:--On þissum feówer and feówertigoban sealme, Ps. Th. 44, arg. Þysne feówer and twéntigoðan sealm, 24, arg.: 34, arg. (2) inflected, cf. II. 1 a:--Féuero móneðo sint, Jn. L. 4, 35. Wǽron feówere forð gewitene dagas, Gú. 1107. Þín seáð bið twégea cubita wíd and feówra lang, Nar. 50, 29. Mid feówrum gesceaftum, Angl. viii. 299, 19. Féwere hwommas and hringas haefis quattuor angulos et anulos habet, Mt. p. 8, 5. Bifora feóro nétno ante quatuor animalia, Rtl. 47, 28. (2 a) with a pronoun:--Ðás féwera godspelles haec quattuor evangelia, Mt. p. 9, 8. I a. as multiplicative, four times:--Se earma man wile drincan feówer swá feala swá his neád wǽre, Hml. A. 145, 29. II. substantival. (1) inflected:--Hannibal oþfleáh feówera sum Annibal cum quatuor equitibus confugit, Ors. 4, 10; S. 202, 16. Gange hé feówra sum tó, and beó himsylffífta, Ll. Th. i. 286, 18. Hé from feówrum wæs geboren, Mk. L. R. 2, 3. (1 a) in apposition to a noun. Cf. I. 2 and sum; II. 2:--Þá feáwa þe ic secge ic ongæt æt feówrum his gingrum (æt his feówer gingrum, v. l.) pauca quae narro quatuor discipulis illius referentibus agnovi, Gr. D. 96, 4. (1 b) with a pronoun:--Eádfrið and Æðilwald and Billfrið and Aldréd, ðás feówero ymb woeson ðás bóc, Mk. p. 1, 3. (2) uninflected:--Þára sint feówer þe þá þegnunge beweotigaþ, El. 744. Tódǽlan on feówer, Angl. viii. 306, 30. (2 a) with a pronoun or indef. numeral adj.:--Hé him wegas tǽcneð feówer eallum, Rä. 52, 7. Wyl ealle feówer on buteran, Lch. ii. 128, 8. (2 b) with a multiple of ten:--Weaxeð ꝥ flód ðæs sǽs feówer and twéntigum síða, Shrn. 63, 29. feower