
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - fetian

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Dele 'fet,' and passage from Proand add:--Hé wæter fette, Hml. S. 6, 14. Man him fette sumne dǽl þæs meóses, 26, 36. Þæt Ceaddes sáuwl cóme of heofonum and fette his bróþor sáwle tó heofonum, Shrn. 59, 19: Chr. 1049; P. 168, 38. Hí mæte (mete, v. l.) and mádmas ofer .L. míla him fram sǽ fættan (fetton, v. l.), 1006; P. 137, 12. Feta, gif ðú dyrre, æt ðus heaðuwérigan háre byrnan, Vald. 2, 16. Fetige hé him má, Solil. H. 1, 10. Fetod, fettad, feotod arcessitus, Txts. 42, 103: Wrt. Voc. ii. 7, 31. [v. N. E. D. fet. Cf. Icel. feta to step, find one's way.] v. fatian. fetian

Mots connexes: Kmbl.,
