Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - fisc-cynn
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
-cinn, es;
- fisc-cynn
- n. The fish kind, kind of fishes; piscium gĕnus :-- Is heofena ríce gelíc asendum nette on ða sǽ, and of ǽlcum fisccynne gadrigendum sĭmĭle est regnum cælōrum săgēnæ missæ in măre, et ex omni gĕnĕre piscium congrĕganti, Mt. Bos. 13, 47. God gesceóp ðá ða micelan hwalas and eall libbende fisccinn on heora hiwum then God created the great whales and every living kind of fishes after their kinds, Gen. 1, 21: Ælfc. T. 8, 25. fisc-cynn