
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - fǽle

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

adj. Faithful, true, dear, good; fĭdēlis, constans, cārus, bŏnus :-- Wes us fǽle freónd be a faithful friend to us, Cd. 130; Th. 165, 1; Gen. 2725: 135; Th. 170, 26; Gen. 2819: Exon. 35 a; Th. 112, 15; Gú. 144: Elen. Kmbl. 175; El. 88: Ps. Th. 66, 3: 70, 4: 77, 34: 94, 7. Se fǽla fugel the faithful bird, Exon. 17 a; Th. 40, 27; Cri. 645. Wese áwá friþ on Israhéla fǽlum folce let peace ever be with the faithful people of Israel, Ps. Th. 148, 14. Mid Ealhhilde, fǽlre freoðuwebban with Ealhild, the faithful peace-weaver, Exon. 84 b; Th. 319, 2; Wíd. 6: Ps. Th. 76, 3: 118, 155. Nafaþ æt gefeohte fǽlne helpend he has not a faithful helper in battle, Ps. Th. 88, 36: 113, 18: 120, 1. Ðone fǽlan geþanc the true thought, 138, 20. Ne afyr ðú me fǽle spræce take not away from me true speech, 118, 43. Ðín fǽle hús thy dear house, 78, 1. Onfóh me fǽle Drihten accept me dear Lord, 118, 116. Sprǽcon fǽle freoðoscealcas to Lothe the faithful ministers of peace spoke to Lot. Cd. 115; Th. 150, 25; Gen. 2497. He his folc genam swá fǽle sceáp abstŭlit sīcut ŏves pŏpŭlum suum, Ps. Th. 77, 52: 78, 14: 99, 3. DER. un-fǽle. fæle