
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - flítan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

For wiþer at end l. wiþ, and add :-- Flítat disceptant, Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 41. Disceptant, lacerant, i. contendunt flítaþ, 140, 59. Ic flát certavi, coteiendi, 130, 28. Wé flitan disceptavimus, 28, 20. I. of action. (1) to strive as an opponent :-- Ǽfre gé fliton and wunnon ongeán Drihten semper adversum Dominum contendisti, Deut. 9, 7. Æfre gé fliton ongén God semper conlentiose egistis contra Dominum, 31, 27. Hý fliton exercebantur (adversum me; cf. me wiðerwearde wǽron ealle, Ps. Th. 68, 13), Bl. Gl. Ðú findst wid hwone ðú meaht flítan contra quos valeatis vos extenders semper invenitis, Past. 331, 5. (l a) of abstract objects :-- Hú micel wǽre ꝥ gecamp þe wann on þæi mannes breóstum ; þǽr fleát (feaht, betweoh him seó eádmódnys . . . and seó árfaestnys, Gr. D. 18, 6. (2) to striue as a competitor :-- Ðá hálsade ic ꝥ mé wǽre lýfnes seald tó ærnenne and tó flítanne mid him obsecrans ut mihi certandi cum illis copia daretur,Bd. 5, 6 ; S. 575, 19, (3) to strive after, strive to gain :-- Ðá ðe hira gód sellað . . . , ðá ðe flietað (flítað, v.l.) æfter óðerra monna and hié reáfiað (qui aliena rapere contendunt), Past. 319, 15 : 177, 6. II. of speech or opinion, (1) to be quarrelsome, contentious :-- Hé ne flát, ne ne hrýmde, ne nán mann his stemne on strǽtum ne gehýrde, Hml. Th. i. 592, 5. Nán crísten man ne sceal sceandlíce flítan, Hml. S. 13, 122. (2) to dispute, argue, have a controversy, oppose the opinions of a person, be at variance :-- Paulus ꝥ ilce lǽreþ, and wiþ mé flíteþ, and ꝥ ilce spreceþ and mid him (S. Peter) bodaþ, Bl. H. 175, 13. Arrius hátte án gedwolman, sé flát wið ǽnne bisceop þe wæs genemned Alexander, wís and rihtgelýfed, Hml. Th. i. 290, 3. Hí flitun betwux him (facta est contentio inter eos) hwylc hyra wǽre yldest, Lk. 22, 24. Sume cwǽdon . . . sume cwǽdon . . . and hig fliton him betweónan (schisma erat in eis), Jn. 9, 16. Flítan disceptare (de vitiorum radicibus), Wrt. Voc. ii. 76, 83 : 26, 43. Flítende disputans, An. Ox. 3002. Of flítendum trachterum a vitiosis interpretibus, Mt. p. I. 14. Flítende certantes (conflictum gessit contra bis senos certantes arte magistros), Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 7. (3) to bring a charge, accusation against, lay blame on :-- Andreas mé on flíteþ wordum for wera menigo Andrew with abusive words lays blame on me before the multitude of men, An. 1201. Þaacute; fliton him on ðá werian gástas and mid gelómlicum oncunningum tiledon ꝥ hí him ðone heofonlican weg forsetton spiritus maligni crebris accusationibus inprobi iter illi caeleste intercludere contendebant, Bd. 3, 19 ; Sch. 278, 7. Heó feóll tó eorðan flítende wið þone hálgan á hé hí ásende on swá mycelne weg and ne wearð gefréfrod she fell to the ground quarrelling with (blaming) the saint for sending her such a long way and she had got no comfort, Hml. S. 3, 652. [v. N. E. D. flite.] flitan

Mots connexes: l. pugnabat)
