
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - flota

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: (1) a ship :-- Gewát flota fámigheals fugle gelícost, B. 218. (3) a collection of ships with their crews, a fleet :-- Flota classis, navis collectae, Txts. no, 1170 : clasis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 104, 16 : 14, 45. Þonne flota (or under (I) ?) stondeð; bið his ceól cnmen and hyre ceorl tó hám, Gn. Ex. 96. Ðæt man sceolde Swegen underfón dá hé ǽrest mid flotan cóm, C. D. Hi. 315, 3. Wæs se cyning mid þám flotan þe on Temese læg (wǽron, ) . . . Se cyning gewende fram þám flotan, Chr. 1013; Th. 272, 12, 19. (2a) the crews of the skips :-- Se flota eall gecuron Cnut tó cyninge. Chr. 1014 ; P. 144, 28. Lǽgun seofene các, eorlas Anláfes, unrím heriges, flotan and Sceotta, 937 ; P. 108, 13. (3) a sailor :-- Hé mid orde ánne gerǽhte flotan on þám folce. By. 227- v. unfriþ-flota. flota

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