
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - fǽmne

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

fémne, an;

f. [fēmĭna a woman] A virgin, damsel, maid, woman; virgo, puella, fēmĭna :-- Wæs ðæs ylcan mynstres abbudisse on ða tíd seó cynellíce fǽmne Ælflǽd præĕrat quĭdem tunc eidem monastērio rēgia virgo Ælbflæd, Bd. 4, 26; S. 603, 3, 6: 4, 8; S. 575, 34: Gen. 2, 23: Mt. Bos. 1, 23. Seó fǽmne wæs Sarra háten the damsel was called Sarah, Cd. 83; Th. 103, 23; Gen. 1722: 101; Th. 134, 17; Gen. 2226. Sceal fémne hire freónd geséccan the damsel shall seek her lover, Menol. Fox 548; Gn. C. 44. Geseah ic líchoman ðære hálgan Godes fǽmnan vīdi corpus sacræ Deo virgĭnis, Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 15, 43: 4. 19; S. 588, 36. Wæs ðære fǽmnan ferþ geblissad the damsel's soul was rejoiced, Exon. 69 b; Th. 259, 24; Jul. 287: 66 b; Th. 246, 10; Jul. 59: 67 a; Th. 247, 15; Jul. 79. Be ðære grimman untrumnysse ðære fǽmnan de acerba puellæ infirmĭtāte, Bd. 3, 9; S. 534, 7: 4, 8; S. 576, 11. Cirliscre fǽmnan of a churlish woman; L. Alf. pol. 11; Th. i. 68, 14: L. Alf. 29; Th. i. 52, 7: Apstls. Kmbl. 57; Ap. 29. Ðære fǽmnan líchoma brosnian ne mihte fēmĭnæ căro corrumpi non pŏtuit, Bd. 4, 19; S. 587, 36. Hæfde Nérgend fægere fóstorleán fǽmnan forgolden, éce to ealdre the Saviour had repaid the fair reward of fostering to the virgin, in eternal life, Menol. Fox 302; Men. 152. Gif hwylc man hine wið fǽmnan forlicge si hŏmo quis cum puella fornĭcātus fuĕrit, L. Ecg. P. 4, 68; Th. ii. 228, 10. He mid fǽmnan on flet gǽþ he walks with the woman in the court, Beo. Th. 4074; B. 2034. Ic of ðam torhtan temple Dryhtnes onféng freólíce fǽmnan clǽne I joyfully received a pure damsel from the bright temple of the Lord, Exon. 10 b; Th. 12, 18; Cri. 187: 66 a; Th. 244, 13; Jul. 27. Gemétte he ðǽr sume fǽmnan invēnit puellam ĭbi, Bd. 3, 9; S. 534, 4, 9: L. Ecg. P. 4, 68; Th. ii. 230, 15. Worhte God freólícu fǽmnan God wrought a goodly woman, Cd. 9; Th. 12, 12; Gen. 184: L. Alf. 29; Th. i. 52, 5. Aryson ealle ða fǽmnan surrexērunt omnes virgĭnes illæ, Mt. Bos. 25, 7, 11: Ps. Spl. 44, 16: Ps. Th. 77, 63: Ps. Lamb. 148, 12: Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 39. Síðedon fǽmnan and wuduwan the damsels and widows departed, Cd. 94; Th. 121, 14; Gen. 2010. Heó mynster getimbrade Gode willsumra fǽmnena constructo monastērio virgĭnum Deo devōtārum, Bd. 4, 19; S. 588, 2. Fela fǽmnena many damsels, Exon. 120 b; Th. 462, 8; Hö. 49. Byþ heofena ríce gelíc ðám týn fǽmnum sĭmĭle ĕrit regnum cælōrum dĕcem virgĭnĭbus, Mt. Bos. 25, 1. Onfóþ ðǽm fǽmnum receive the damsels, Cd. 113; Th. 149, 7; Gen. 2471. [O. Sax. fémea, féhmia, f: Frs. fæm, f: O. Frs. famne, fomne, femne, fovne, fone, f: Icel. feima, f: Lat. fēmĭna, f. a female, woman.] fæmne