Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - for-
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
is used in composition in Anglo-Saxon exactly as the English
- for-
- for: it often deteriorates, or gives an opposite sense, or gives strength to the words before which it is placed; in which case it may be compared with Gothic fra-, Dutch and German ver- [different from the Dutch voor, and German vor]. Forbeódan to forbid; fordéman to condemn; forcúþ perverse, corrupt; fordón to destroy, to do for. -- Sometimes fór denotes an increase of the signification of the word before which it is placed, and is then generally to be in English very; valde, as fó;r-eáde very easily, Homl. Th. ii. 138, 35: fór-oft very often, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 11, 8; Lchdm. iii. 256, 16. For- and fór-, or fóre- are often confounded, though they are very different in meaning; as forseón [Flem. versien] to overlook, despise; fór- or fóreseón [Flem. veursien] to foresee. -- If a word, having for, fór or fóre prefixed, cannot be found under for-, fór- or fóre-, it must be sought under the simple term, and the sense of the preposition added; thus, fór- or fóre-sendan is from sendan to send, and fór-, fóre before, to send before, etc. [On the vowel in for, fore, see remark in the preface.]FÓR, fóre; prep. dot. acc. Before, fore; ante, cŏram, in conspectu, præsente vel audiente ălĭquo, præ, priusquam. I. dat:-- Fór Gode and fór [fóre Cott.] mannum cōram Deo et hŏmĭnĭbus. Bd. 5, 20; S. 641, 37. He for eaxlum gestód Deniga freán he stood before the shoulders of the lord of the Danes, Beo. Th. 72256. 358. Fór horde before the hoard, Beo. Th. 5555; B. 2781. Ic hefde dreám micelne fír Meotode I had great joy before the Creator, Cd. 214; Th. 269, 34; Sat. 83. We for Dryhtene iu dreámas hefdon we formerly had joys before the Lord, 214; Th. 267, 26: Sat. 44. He gehálgode fír heremægene wín of wætere and wendan hét he hallowed before the multitude wine from water and bade it change, Andr. Kmbl. 1172; An. 586. Geónge þúhton men fór his eágum they seemed young men before his eyes, Cd. 111; Th. 146, 28; Gen. 2429. Wlytig heaw fór bearnum manna spĕciōsus forma præ filiis hŏmĭnum. Ps. Spl. 44, 3. II. acc:-- Ne dear forþgán fór ðé I dare not come forth before thee, Cd. 40; Th. 54, 2; Gen. 871. He his módor fór ealle menn geweorþode he esteemed his mother before all mankind, Rood Kmbl. 184; Kr. 93. Fór ðæt folc cōram pŏpŭlo, Ps. Th. 67, 8. [Wyc. for- fore-, as for-goer a fore-goer: Plat, vor: O. Sax. for, far, fur, furi: Dut. voor: Ger. vor: M. H. Ger. vor, vore: O. H. Ger. fora, furi: Goth. faur, faura: Dan. for: Swed. för: Icel. fyrir: Lat. præ: Grk. GREEK before: Sansk. pra- before..] for-,for