
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - for-bærnan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

-bearnan, to -bærnenne;

part. -bærnende; p. -bærnde, pl. -bærndon; pp. -bærned, -bærnd; ŭrĕre, combūrĕre:-- Nerón hét forbærnan ealle Róme burh Nero commanded to burn up all the city of Rome, Bt. 16, 4; , Fox 58, 3: Cd. 138; Th. 173,8; Gen. 2858: Exon. 30 b; Th. 94, 21; Cri. 1543: Beo. Th. 4258; B. 2126. Isaac bær wudu to forbærnenne ða offrunge Isaac bare wood to burn the offering, Homl. Th. ii. 60, 16 : Mt. Bos. 13, 30. Swá swá leg forbærnende muntas sīcut flamma combūrens montes, Ps. Spl. 82, 13. Ic forswæle oððe forbærne ūro, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 4; Som. 31, 11. Man hine forbærneþ one burns him, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 22, 44. Da ceafu he forbærnþ on unadwæscendlícum fýre păleas combūret igni inextinguĭbĭli, Mt. Bos. 3, 12:, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 22: 33, 4; Fox 130, 12. Hí hine forbærnaþ they burn him, Ors. 1. 1; Bos. 22, 26. Líg forbærnde ða árleásan flamma combussit peccātōres, Ps. Lamb. 105, 18: Boutr. Scrd. 22, 40: Chr. 685; Erl. 40. 20. Hí ǽr Mul forbærndon they had formerly burnt Mul, Chr. 694; Erl. 43, 21: 894; Erl. 91, 25: 1001; Erl. 136, 31: 1055; Erl. 190. 4. Nim ǽnne sticcan . . . forbærn ðone óðerne ende take a stick . . . burn the one end, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 17, 15; Lchdm, iii. 274, 4. Ðæt seó sunne mid hyre hǽtan middaneardes wæstmas forbærne that the sun with her heat burn up the fruits of the earth, Wrt. popl. science 9, 6; Lchdm. iii. 250, 17. Ðæt he werod forbærnde that it [the pillar of fire] would burn up the host, Cd. 148; Th. 185, 16; Exod. 123. Hwí ðeós þyrne ne sí forbærned quare non combūratūr rŭbus, Ex. 3, 3: Chr. 687; Erl. 42, 1: Cd. 146; Th. 182, 3; Exod. 70: Exon. 22 b; Th. 62, 26; Cri. 1007. Beó se forbærnd combūrētur, Jos. 7, 15. cf. Ger. verbrennen. for-bærnan

Mots connexes: trans. To burn up, consume;
