
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - for-healdan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

and for-healden. Substitute: for-healdan; p. heóld; pp. -healden. I. to hold improperly, withhold, keep back what should be paid:--On hǽþenum þeódum ne dear man forhealdan lytel ne mycel þæs þe gelagod is tó gedwolgoda weorðunge; and wé forhealdað ǽghwǽr Godes gerihta, Wlfst. 157, 12-14: 229, 19. Hý forheóldon teóðunge, 211, 2. Gif hwá teóðunge forhealde . . . Gif hwá Rómfeoh forhealde, Ll. Th. i. 170, 1, 2. I a. to keep too long:--Preóst húsl on clǽnnesse healde, and warige ꝥ hit ná forealdige. Gif hit þonne for[h]ealden sí, ꝥ his man brúcan ne mæge, þonne forbærne hit man, Ll. Th. ii. 252, 7. II. not to shew proper regard to, disregard, neglect (1) a person or personal attribute:--Þú forleósest þá forhealdað þé perdes omnes, qui fornicantur abs te, Ps. Th. 72, 22. Hé onféng for worlde mycelne noman, and ꝥ eal forheóld and his Scyppend, Bl. H. 43, 35. Eall hí forheóldan heáh weorc Godes, Ps. Th. 105, 29. Hæfdon hý forhealden helm Scylfinga, B. 2381. (2) a command, not to keep a command:--Nǽfre bebod ðín ic forheáld nunquam mandatum tuum praeterii, Lk. L. 15, 29. III. not to keep in good condition. (1) not to keep in safety, not to preserve:--Eálá eá is ꝥ forweorþfullic wela þe náuþer ne mæg ne hine selfne gehealdan ne his hláford, tó ðon ꝥ hé ne þurfe máran fultumes, oððe hí beóþ bégen forhealden O praeclara potentia, quae ne ad conservationem quidem sui satis efficax invenitur, Bt. 29, 1; F. 102, 17. (2) not to maintain in one's rights, to treat unfairly:--Monige men ryhtan ge on londum ge on má þára þinga þe heó on forhaldne wéran, Cht. Th. 139, 28. (3) not to keep morally pure:--Se wer unrihthǽmed wreceþ gif his wíf hié forhealdeþ, Bl. H. 185, 27. Forhealden incestus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 45. On wráðra (the fallen angels) gield þára þe forhealdene (cf. the phrase used by Dante of the sin of the angels 'superbo strupo,' Inf. c. vii. 12) hé of hleó sende, Gen. 102. (4) to abuse a privilege, &c.:--Gif hí ðone frýdóm tela gehealdon . . . gif hí ðone frýdóm forheólden, Bt. 41, 3; F. 248, 11. [N. E. D. forhold. O. H. Ger. far-haltaniu prostituta.] for-healdan