
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - for-sleán

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. to injure by striking, cut through or break with a stroke, wound with a blow :-- Heó slóh tó his hneccan, and mid twám slegum forslóh him þone swuran percussit bis in cervicem ejus et abscidit caput ejus, Hml. A. 111, 305. Gif mon óðrum þá hond útan forsleá ... gif hió healf onweg fleóge, Ll. Th. i. 98, 7. Gif mon óðrum rib forsleá ... gif sió hýd sié tóbrocen, and mon bán of ádó, 11: 21. Hét se cásere him forsleán þone sweoran, Shrn. 145, 6. Mid stengum heora sweoran forsleán, 134, 7. Gif sió lendenbrǽde bið forslegen (-slægen, ), Ll. Th. i. 98, 1. I a. to slay, kill :-- Wearð hé gefliémed and his folces fela forslagen, Ors. 5, 12; S. 240, 28. Mid sweordum and mid mancwealme hí wǽron forslægene (-sleg-, v. l.) gladiis et pestilentia vastati sunt, Gr. D. 192, 4. I b. to destroy a thing, lay waste :-- Se wíngeard wæs forslagen (-sleg-, v. l.) and forhergod mid hægle vinea grandine vastata est, Gr. D. 57, 5. I c. to put an end to, finish (?) :-- Forslægenum expletis (cf. expuncta, expleta, Corp. Gl. H. 482), Wrt. Voc. ii. 32, 1. II. to make slaughter of, defeat with slaughter, beat an enemy. (1) as a military term :-- Hié mon gefliémde and swíþe forslóg, Ors. 2, 5; S. 84, 20: 3, 9; S. 124, 3. Eft wǽron Rómáne forslægen and gefliémed iterum Romani pari clade superati sunt, 4, 8; S. 186, 28. Gefliémed and swíþor forslagen amisso exercitu, 32. Rómáne wunnan wið Fulcisci and wurdon swíþe forslægene consulem Volsci superarant, 2, 6; S. 88, 3. (2) figurative, to rout, overthrow :-- Forslaegen proflicta, Txts. 89, 1662. Forslaegenum (forsleginum, Ep., faerslaeginum, Erf.) profligatis (v. (?) profligatis tenebrarum principibus, Ald. 54, 6), 1637. Forslægenum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 68, 37. III. to condemn. Cf. O. H. Ger. fer-slahan damnare :-- forslegen adictus (v. for-scrífan; I), Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 69. [O. H. Ger. fer-slahan re-, suc-cidere, perimere, jugulare, necare.] for-slean

Mots connexes: l.
