
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - for-sweorcan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

to grow dark. For Prosubstitute Kent. Gl. 185, and add :-- Seó sunne forswyrcð sóna on morgen Titan tenebrescit in ortu, Dóm. L. 108: Wlfst. 137, 11. Ásweartad, forsworcen fuscatus, i. denigratus, obnubilatus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 152, 7 (cf. An. Ox. 2, 369 infra). Beón forsworcene (obscurentur) eágan heora ꝥ hí ne geseón, Ps. L. 68, 24. Betwyx forsworcenum sweartum nihtum obscuras inter noctes, Dóm. L. 198. ¶ a wk. form occurs, to make dark (?) :-- Forsweorced fuscatus (velut Aethiopica nigritudine, Ald. 66, 23), An. Ox. 2, 369. (Cf. Wrt. Voc. ii. 152, 7 supra.) for-sweorcan

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