Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - fyrst-mearc
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
frist-mearc, e;
- fyrst-mearc
- f. [mearc a mark] Marked or appointed time, a space of time, interval; tempus constĭtūtum, tempŏris spatium, intercăpēdo :-- Sunne oncneów fyrstmearc his the sun knew his appointed time, Ps. Spl. T. 103, 20. Him eft-cymeþ æfter fyrstmearce feorh life returns to it after a space of time, Exon. 59 a; Th. 213, 11; Ph. 223 : Andr. Recd. 269; An. 133 : Elen. Kmbl. 2065; El. 1034. Ymb geára fyrstmearc after a space of years; interjecio tempŏre aliquanto, Bd. 3, 17; S. 543, 47 : Cd. 202; Th. 251, 8; Dan. 560. Bútan fyrstmearce ǽnigre reste sĭne ulla quiētis intercăpēdĭne, Bd. 5, 12; S. 628, 3. fyrst-mearc