
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-anbīdian

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

l. ge-anbidian (-and-), and add: I. absolute, to wait :-- Ic geanbidode oþ ic wiste hwæt þū woldest, Bt. 22, I; F. 7625. ꝥ folc stōd geanbidiende, Lk. 23, 35. II. to wait for. (1) to wait for the coming or return of a person (gen.) :-- Ðā bed heó þā cwelleras dæt hī hire geanbidedan medmicle hwīle; þā eóde heó on hire palatium,Shrn. 75, 24. (2) to wait for the coming to pass of something, (a) with gen. :-- Hē Godes rīces geanbidode, Mk. 15, 43. (b) with acc. :-- Hē geandbidode done frōfer de behāten wæs, Hml. Th. i. 136, l. Hē geanbidude Godes rīce, Lk. 23, 51. (c) with a clause :-- Hē geanbidad þæt wē tō beteran gecyrren he waits for our conversion, R. Ben. 25, 21. III. to wait for the settlement of what is uncertain :-- Drihten geanbidaþ hwæþer wē mid weorcum his lāre gefyllan willen, R. Ben. 4, 16. Hē geanbidode þǣr hwæder man him tō būgan wolde, Chr. 1066; P. 200, 8. ge-anbidian