
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-bannan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :


p. -beónn, pl. -beónnon; pp. -bannen [ge, and bannan to summon]. I. to command, order, proclaim; jŭbēre, mandāre, edīcĕre :-- Ðá ic gefrægn weorc gebannan manigre mǽgþe then I heard [him] command the work to many a tribe, Beo. Th. 149; B. 74. II. to summon, call together; cĭtare, convŏcāre :-- Folc biþ gebonnen ealle to spræce all people shall be summoned to judgment, Exon. 117 b; Th. 451, 8; Dóm. 100. Ðá gebeón Æðelréd ealderman alle Mercna weotan tosomne then alderman Æthelred summoned all the 'witan' of the Mercians together, Th. Diplm. 139, 1l. [Laym. i-bannen to summon.] ge-bannan