Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-bétan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-bétan
- Add: I. to make good, cause to flourish :-- Sænde ic þá gewideru þe ealle eówre wæstmas and eorðlice tilþa fullíce gebétað dabo uobis pluuiam temporibus suis, et terra gignet germen suum, et pomis arbores replebuntur, Wlfst. 132, 14. II. to make good what is defective. (1) to repair material objects, mend :-- Þá burg man gebétte and geedneówade þǽr heó ǽr tóbrocen wæs, Chr. 921; P. 103, 6. Þæt se cræftga cume . . . and gebéte, nú gebrosnad is hús under hrófe, Cri. 13. Hé gefór þá burg and hét hié gebétan, Chr. 922 ; P. 104, 2: 923; P. 104, 10. Ælc burh sý gebét . xiiii. niht ofer Gangdagas, Ll. Th. i. 206, 14. (1 a) to trim a lamp, kindle or mend a fire :-- Hé gebétte ꝥ leóht refovebat lumen, Gr. D. 227, 6. Undergesettum and gebéttum mycclum fýre hé wæs þǽr forbærned supposito igne toncrematus est, 307, 20. (2) in a medical sense, to do good to, cure, remedy :-- ꝥ sár hyt wel gebét, Lch. i. 200, 6. Hyt þá deáfan gebéteþ, 362, 22. (3) to remedy, do away with an unsatisfactory condition, mend matters, ameliorate :-- Gif ðé wæs gold tó lytel oððe seolfor . . . ic ðæt sóna gebéte, ac ne forlǽt mé, Shrn. 140, 27. þú Hróðgáre wídcúðne weán gebéttest, B. 1991. Wæs hunger ofer hrúsan ; ꝥ heofona weard gebétte, Chr. 975; P. 122, 1 : 1087; P. 223, 23. God úre yfel gebétte, and cýdde his mihte and his mildheortnysse ðæt hé swá mycel yfel mihte gebétan. Hex. 26, 25-27. ꝥ hé his geféra wǽre tó þám cynge, and his wísa wið hine gebétte (would make his relations with the king more satisfactory), Chr. 1050; P. 169, 31. Gebét ðá weorc ðe deádlicu sint in ðé confirma cetera, quae moritura erant, Past. 445, 20. Gebéte hit God, þonne his willa sý, Chr. 1085; P. 217, 22. Gebétan emendare, Kent. Gl. 957. Hú ne mæg se cyning þæne tweón eáðe gebétan cannot the king easily put an end to the doubt ?, Wlfst. 3, 12. Ná geþafian, gif hí hit gebétan magan, ꝥ ǽnig crísten man óðrum derige tó swýðe, Ll. Th. ii. 312, 39. Hit ne magon þá welan eallunga gebétan, Bt. 26, 2 ; F. 92, 37. Hæfde Eástdenum leód oncýððe ealle gebétte, inwidsorge, þe hié ǽr drugon, B. 830. (4) to correct what is morally or intellectually wrong, amend, reform, (a) a person :-- Hé mid heardre þreá hí on spræc and hí gebétte aspera illos inuectione corrigebat, Bd. 3, 5; Sch. 205, 1. Godes hálgan fela wundra worhtan . . . and þurh þæt mænigne man gebéttan, Wlfst. 84, 6. Gelǽred preóst ne scænde þone sámlǽredan, ac gebéte hine, gif hé bet cunne, Ll. Th. ii. 246, 19. Þæt ðá wítu þá gebétan þe hí brociaþ, Bt. 39, 11; F. 230, 8. For ðǽre sylfan scame hé beón gebétte (emendentur), R. Ben. I. 76, 11. (b) a thing :-- On ðǽm earfoðum ðæt he longe ǽr tó yfle gedyde, hé gebétt (bét, ) in adversis rebus longi temporis admissa terguntur, Past. 35, 9. Godcunde lára and wíslice woroldlaga . . . þeóde þeáwas gebétað, Ll. Lbmn. 269, 25. III. to make good, make reparation for, make amends for, atone for. (1) in a moral or spiritual sense, to repent of, do penance for sin :-- Mid þǽm sáwlum þe hér on worlde . . . heora synna geondettaþ and wið Gode gebétaþ, Bl. H. 57, 27. Hé gebétte balaníða hord mid eáðméde higeþance, Ps. C. 151. Gif hí hwæt gesyngodon . . . ꝥ hí hit eft mid hreówsunge gebéton, Bt. 41, 3 ; F. 248, 14. Hyra unlustas hí sceolan gebétan sylfwylles on þyssum lífe, Hml. Th. i. 148, 27 : ii. 602, 20: Ors. 2, 1 ; S. 64, 8. Ne þearf þæs nán man wénan his líchama móte oþþe mæge þá synbyrþenna on eorþscrafe gebétan, Bl. H. 109, 31. Synna bewépan and wið God gebétan, Hml. S. 12, 160. (1 a) in an ecclesiastical sense :-- Búton hé wið God gebéte fullíce swá biscop him tǽce, Ll. Th. i. 346, 12 : 246, 7. Gebéte hé ꝥ deópe for Gode, 324, 26. Gebéte hé hit mid godcundre bóte, 328, 2. 'Sýn hý þæs wyrðe þe on þám canone cwæð . . . búton hý gebétan,' 244, 14. Nymðe heó hit hér mid þingonge bóte gebéte, C. D. i. 114, 27. Á swá mon bið mihtigra . . . swá sceal hé deóppor synna gebétan, Ll. Th. i. 328, 15. ꝥ hé hit swá gebétt hæbbe, swá him his scrift scrife, 212, 22. (2) to make reparation for wrong-doing, give satisfaction for injury :-- Sendon hié ǽrendracan and bǽdon þæt him man gebétte þæt him ðǽr tó ábylgðe gedón wæs missi legati, ut de illatis quereretur injuríis, Ors. 4, 1; S. 154, II. þá Norðhymbra, . . wið Eádréd cyning gebéton þá dǽde, Chr. 948; P. 112, 34. Gán þá . . . and gebéte þám óðrum þone ǽwyrdlan, Ll. Th. i. 128, 8. ꝥ hí mihtan hiora scylda þurh wíte gebétan, Bt. 38, 7 ; F. 210, 10. (2 a) in a legal sense, to make reparation for an offence by undergoing punishment or by paying a fine, (α) where the penalty is not defined :-- Gif hwá folces fyrdscip áwyrde, gebéte ꝥ georne, Ll. Th. i. 324, 5. Gebéte ꝥ deópe for worolde, 26. Gebéte hé hit mid woroldcundre steóre, 328, 2. Búton hé wið men þe deóplícor gebéte, 346, 12. Gebéten þá þone gylt þe hine geféngon, 148, 10. Ǽr hé hæbbe wið þá mǽgðe gebét, 248, 15. (β) where the penalty is a fine, given (β 1) in the dat. (inst.) case :-- Gif wið ceorles birelan man geligeð, vi. scillingum gebéte, Ll. Th. i. 6, 14. Seofon-fealdre bóte gebéte hé hit, ii. 240, 7. Gebéte hé þæs þeófes were, i. 392, 15. Sé ꝥ gebéte his dryhtne .c. scill., 38, 6. (β 2) with prep. : -- Gebéte hé þses borges bryce mid .v. pundum. Ll. Th. i. 62, 8 : 330, 29. Gebéte ꝥ mid .viii. scill. , 94, 11 : 260, 14. Gebéte hé hit mid eallum þám þe he áge, 102, 20. Gebéte hé þæt, swá swá hit gelagod is : búnda mid xxx penigan, þrǽl mid his híde, þegn mid xxx scillingan, Wlfst. 181, 8. Gebéte mid were ge mid wíte, Ll. Th. i. 62, 4. Gebéte mid fulre bóte, 330, 26. (β 3) by adverb or phrase :-- . ii. bóte gebéte, Ll. Th. i. 4, 2. Gebéte hé ꝥ be þǽm þe seó dǽd sý, swá be were, swá be wíte, 168, 5. Gebéte ꝥ be lahslite, ii. 294, 1. IV. to obtain reparation for, avenge :-- þ æ wé on Adame and on his eafrum andan gebétan. Gen. 399. þæt hé Rómána bismer gewrecan (gebétan, v. l, , here or (?) under I. 3) sceolde missus pro abolenda macula, Ors. 5, 2 ; S. 216, 16. v. un-gebétt. ge-betan