Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-bígednys
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
-nyss, e;
- ge-bígednys
- f. A bending, inflection, declining, declension, case; declīnātio, cāsus :-- Gebígednys cāsus, Ælfc. Qr. 15; Som. 17, 30. Cāsus, ðæt is fyll oððe gebígedniss a case, that is a fall or inflection, Ælfc. Gr. 14; Som. 17, 23. Ða pronōmĭna ðe habbaþ vŏcātīvum, ða habbaþ six casus, and ða óðre ealle nabbaþ búton fíf gebígednyssa the pronouns which have a vocative have six cases, and all the other have but five cases, Ælfc. Gr. 18; Som. 20, 55. Nemnigendlíc gebígednys vel nemnigendlíc cāsus Nominative case, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 16. Gestrýnendlíc, geágniendlíc Genitive, 6, 17: Forgifendlíc Dative, 6, 19: Wrégendlíc Accusative, 6, 22: Clipigendlíc, oððe gecígendlíc Vocative, 6, 24, 25: Ætbredendlíc Ablative and Instrumental, 6, 27, q. v. ge-bigednys