Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - gé-bindan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
ic -binde, ðú -bintst, -binst, he -bint,
- gé-bindan
- pl. -bindaþ; p. ic, he -band, -bond, ðú -bunde, pl, -bundon; pp. -bunden [ge-, bindan to bind, tie] 1. to bind, tie up; lĭgāre, allĭgāre, vincīre, constringĕre :-- Hine nān man ne mihte gebindan neque quisquam pŏtĕrat eum lĭgāre, Mk. Bos. 5, 3: 6, 17; Cd. 184; Th. 230, 6; Dan. 229: Salm. Kmbl. 556; Sal. 277. Sorg and slǽp earmne ánhogan oft gebindaþ sorrow and sleep often bind a poor lone-dweller, Exon. 77 a; Th. 288, 33; Wand. 40. Ðú mec fæste fetrum gebunde thou didst bind me fast with fetters, Exon. 72 a; Th. 268, 17; Jul. 433: 98 a; Th. 368, 28; Seel. 31. He geband ðá his sunu cum alligasset fīlium suum. Gen. 22, 9: Homl. Th. ii. 414, 18: Cd. 23; Th. 29, 3; Gen. 444: Beo. Th. 845; B. 420. Ðære moldan sumne dǽl he gebond on his sceáte a part of the mould he tiedup in his clothing, Bd. 3, 10; S. 534, 23: Exon. 18 b; Th. 46, 5; Cri. 732. Hie handa gebundon they bound the hands, Andr. Kmbl. 96; An. 48: 2446; An. 1224. Ceácan heora gewríþ oððe gebind maxillas eōrum constringe, Ps. Spl. 31, 12. Gif he hí ne gebunde if he had not bound them, Bt. 35, 2; Fox 158, 1. note, MS. Cot. Se wæs gebunden qui ĕrat vinctus, Mk. Bos. 15, 7: Bd. 1, 27; S. 497, 31, 32: Cd. 35; Th. 45, 30; Gen. 734: Exon. 13 a; Th. 23, 7; Cri. 365: Andr. Kmbl. 2792; An. 1398: Bt. Met. Fox 5, 78; Met. 5, 39: Judth. 10; Thw. 23, 11; Jud. 115; Beo. Th. 3490; B. 1743. Wæs his gewuna ðæt he him forgeáfe ǽnne gebundenne sŏlēbat dimittĕre illis ūnum ex vinctis, Mk. Bos. 15, 6: Bd. 1, 27; S. 497, 33: Chr. 796; Erl. 58, 12: Exon. 102 b; Th. 387, 20; Rä. 5, 8. He gehýrde heáh gnornunge ðæra ðe gebundene bitere wǽron audīvit gĕmĭtum vincŭlātōrum, Ps. Th. 101, 18: Cd. 19; Th. 24, 18; Gen. 379: Andr. Kmbl. 1893; An. 949. II. to deceive [?]; fallĕre :-- He hine on ðære wénunge [wenunge Thorpe] geband he deceived him in that hope, Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 59, 25. [Goth. ga-bindan: O. Sax. gi-bindan.] ge-bindan