
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-blandan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Substitute: ge-blandan; pp. ge-blanden, -blonden [In the two instances where the past tense occurs the forms are ge-blond, Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 16, ge-blondan, An. 33. Under blandan is given blénde as apast subjunctive, but this form might be placed as a present (or past) under blendan. as a past tense of gangan.] To mix, blend :-- Geblonden infectum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 77. Geblanden, 45, 17: confectum, 14, 49. I. to mix with :-- Is him þæt heáfod hindan gréne, wrǽtlíce wrixled wurman geblonden, Ph. 294. II. to mix things that should be kept separate :-- Ðona geworð ðæt mið ús giblonden l gimencged (mixta) aron alle, and in Marc moniga Lucas and éc Matheies, Mt. p. 3, 7. III. to mix, prepare with (harmful) ingredients :-- Him geblondan drás þurh dwol-cræft drync unheórne, An. 33. Hié him sealdon áttor drincan þæt mid lybcræfte wæs geblanden, Bl. H. 229, 12. Eów wæs ád inǽled áttre geblouden, Gú. 640. IV. to make turbid, disturb, trouble : -- Scír bið gedréfed burna geblonden, Met. 5, 19 : An. 424: Rä. 4, 22. Scúr winde geblanden, Gn. C. 41 : Met. 20, 81. V. denoting possession of evil qualities or properties, to infect, corrupt. [Cf. O. Sax. baluwes giblandan, mid sorogon giblandan.] (1) in a physical sense :-- Wæs seó lyft heolfre geblanden, Exod. 476. Oð þæt ic spǽte, spilde geblonden, áttor, Rä. 24, 8. (2) in a moral sense :-- Geblond infecit (cordavenenis), Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 16. Siofa synnum fáh, sáre geblonden, gefylled mid fácne, Leas. 16. Is þes middangeard máne geblonden, 31. Níða ge-blonden (Holofernes), Jud. 34. v. ge-blendan. ge-blandan

Mots connexes: ge-blendan. Cf. gang
