Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-ceósan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
to geceósanne, geceósenne; ic -ceóse, ðú -ceósest, -cýst, -císt, he -ceóseþ, -cýsþ, -cýst,
- ge-ceósan
- pl. -ceósaþ; p. -ceás, pl. -curon; pp. -coren To elect, choose, decide, prove, approve; eligere, præeligere, seligere, asciscere, petere, nancisci :-- Nú monna gehwylc geceósan mót swá helle hiénþu swá heofones mǽrþu now every man may choose either hell's humiliations or heaven's glories, Exon. 16 b; Th. 37, 9; Cri. 590. He wolde geceósan he would choose, Bd. 4, 11; S. 579, 9 : Salm. Kmbl. 780; Sal. 389. Swá ðé leófre biþ to geceósanne ut tibi placeat eligere, Elen. Kmbl. 1210; El. 607. To geceósenne to choose, Beo. Th. 3706; B. 1851. Gif ðú ða swíðran healfe gecíst si to dextĕram elēgĕris, Gen. 13, 9. Eall ðæt folc heom ðæt gecuron all the people approved for themselves of that plan, St. And. 36, 14. He hyht geceóseþ he chooseth hope, Frag. Kmbl. 77; Leas. 40 : Exon. 79 b; Th. 298, 21; Crä. 88 : Ps. Th. 64, 4 : Exon. 61 a; Th. 225, 1; Ph. 382. Ðonne hine man to gewitnysse gecýsþ when he is chosen as witness, L. Edg. S. 6; Th. i. 274, 15. Hy wíc geceósaþ they choose a habitation, Exon. 97 a; Th, 362, 16; Wal. 37 : 95 a; Th. 354, 36; Reim. 56 : Ps. Th. 136, 7. Se geceás Maximianum to fultume his ríces he chose Maximianus to the help of his kingdom, Bd. 1, 6; S. 476, 17 : Ex. 18, 25. Cain geceás wíc Cain chose a dwelling, Cd. 50; Th. 64, 17; Gen. 1051 : 91; Th. 115, 29; Gen. 1927 : 129; Th. 164, 3; Gen. 2709 : Beo. Th. 2407; B. 1201 : 4930; B. 2469 : 5270; B. 2638 : Exon. 45 b; Th. 154, 34; Gú. 852 : 46 b; Th. 158, 12; Gú. 907 : Elen. Kmbl. 2076; El. 1039 : 2330; El. 1166; Apstls. Kmbl. 38; Ap. 19 : Ps. Th. 77, 67 : 131, 14 : Byrht. Th. 135, 5; By. 113. Gecuron híg ða gódan on hyra fatu elegerunt bonos in vasa, Mt. Bos. 13, 48 : Gen. 6, 2 : Ors. 1, 14; Bos. 37, 26 : Ps. Th. 105, 27. Ðé wíc geceós on ðissum lande choose thee a habitation in this land, Cd. 130; Th. 164, 30; Gen. 2722 : Beo. Th. 3523; B. 1759 : Exon. 80 b; Th. 303, 3; Fá. 47. Ðeáh hí gecure bútan cræftum cyninga dysegast though the most foolish of kings chose them without skill, Bt. Met. Fox 15, 21; Met. 15, 11. Se foresprecena wer for hine in bisceop-háde wæs gecoren the aforesaid man was chosen into bishophood for him, Bd. 4, 23; S. 594, 29 : 4. 1 ; S. 564,12. Ðætte eallra heora dóme gecoren wǽre ut universorum judicio probaretur, Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 31. Ðá Abraham gewát Drihtne gecoren then Abraham, the chosen of the Lord, departed, Cd. 86; Th. 109, 5; Gen. 1818 : 179; Th. 225, 7; Dan. 150 : 212 ; Th. 261, 35; Dan. 736 : Andr. Kmbl. 647; An. 324 : Exon. 108 a; Th. 413. 23; Rä. 32, 10. He wiste ðone láreów gecorenne he knew the teacher chosen, Exon. 47 b; Th. 162, 18; Gú. 977. Witodlíce manega synt gelaðode, and feáwa gecorene multi enim sunt vocati, pauci vero electi, Mt. Bos. 22, 14 : Ælfc. Gl. 7; Som. 56, 64. Torhte twelfe wǽron, Dryhtne gecorene bright were the twelve, chosen unto the Lord, Apstls. Kmbl. 10; Ap. 5 : Elen. Kmbl. 2115; El. 1059 : Cd. 83; Th. 104, 12; Gen. 1734 : 176; Th. 221, 23; Dan. 92 : Hy. 7, 53; Hy. Grn. ii. 288, 53 : Ps. Th. 131, 5 : Exon. 25 b; Th. 75, 19; Cri. 1224 : 15 a; Th. 31, 18; Cri. 497 : 12 b; Th. 21, 7; Cri. 331 : 64 b; Th. 237, 21; Ph. 593 : 63 b; Th. 234, 16; Ph. 541 : 74 b; Th. 279, 13; Jul. 613 : 66 a; Th. 243, 26; Jul. 16 : 74 b; Th. 278, 29; Jul. 605 : 33 a; Th. 105, 29; Gú. 30 : 44 a; Th. 149, 29; Gú. 769. He hæfde cempan gecorone he had chosen champions, Beo. Th. 417; B. 206. Simon sacan ongon wið ða gecorenan Cristes þegnas Simon began to strive against the chosen ministers of Christ, Exon. 70 a; Th. 260, 18; Jul. 299 : 31 b; Th. 100, 1; Cri. 1635 : Ps. Th. 104, 38 : 107, 5 : Hy. 9, 42; Hy. Grn. ii. 292, 42. Ic mínum gecorenum cúðe gesette deposui testamentum electis meis, Ps. Th. 88, 3 : 105, 5 : 131, 18 : Exon. 61 b; Th, 225, 12; Ph. 388. [Goth. ga-kiusan to test, approve : O. H. Ger. gi-chiosan discernere, probare, approbare, eligere.]