Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-cunnian
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-cunnian
- Add: (1) to try, test :-- Hí gelýfdon him be eallum þám geþeódum, þeáh hí hyra gecunnian ne mihton crediderunt de omnibus linguis quas probare minime ualebant, Gr. D. 301, 1. (l a) to try maliciously, insidiously, to tempt :-- Gecunnedon of ðǽm gafel temtantes de tributo, Mt. p. 19, 4. Gecunnadun, 6. Gecunned tentatus, 7. ꝥte hé woere gecunned from diáble, Mt. L. 4, 1. (2) to try to know; toinquire :-- Gecunnia and ásca ... huulíc monn sé, Mt. L. 10, 14 margin. (3) to learn by trial, ascertain, know :-- Onsióne earðes and heofnes wutað gié gecunnia (gicunniga, R., probare), ðis tíd ne gecunnað (gicunigas, R., probatis) gié, Lk. L. 12, 56. Hé wolde gecunnian (probare) þæs þe hé ǽr gehýrde, Gr. D. 142, 9. Hú þú meaht gecunuian hwæþer hit healsgund sié (cf. healsgundes tácn hwæþer hé hit sié, 44, 7), Lch. ii. 2, 17. (4) to prove, shew to be right, approve :-- Sié ðá sóð intrahtnung ꝥ ðá apostolas gecunnedun sit illa uera interpretatio quam apostoli probauerunt, Mt. p. 2, 6. (5) to try, attempt :-- Gicunned bið innitatur, Rtl. 19, 29. Gecunnate conati, Mt. p. 7, 2. Gecunnad, 9. (6) to try, vex, afflict :-- Cnæht mín mið yfle is gecunned puer meus male torquetur, Mt. L. 8, 6. [O. Sax. gi-kunnón to learn by experience. ] ge-cunnian