
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-cynd

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Dele II, and add: ge-cyndo(-u); indecl. f.: ge-cynd; f. also has gen. ge-cynd (Bl. H. 31, 32); dat. ge-cynd (Bl. H. 121, 30). I. birth(?) :-- Gecynda natilicium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 11. Þú eart sunu and fæder ána ǽgðer; swá is þín æðele gecynd miclum gemǽrsod. Hy. 7, 43. II. a native place or position, that to which one has a natural right :-- Brytland him wæs on gewealde ... Norman-díge ꝥ land wæs his gecynde, Chr. 1086; P. 220, 25. Þeáh ðú teó hwelcne bóh of dúne ... swá þú hine álǽtst, swá sprincþ hé úp, and wrígaþ wið his gecyndes (widu went on gecynde, Met. 13, 55). Swá déð eác seó sunne ... heó sécþ hire gecynde ... Swá déþ ǽlc gesceaft, wrígaþ wiþ his gecyndes, and gefagen biþ gif hit ǽfre tó cuman mæg. Bt. 25; F. 88, 22-29: Met. 13, 67. Onhelded wið þæs gecyndes (hire gecynde. Bt. 25; F. 88, 7) þe him cyning engla æt frymðe fæste getióde, 12. Leóht ... stígeð on lenge, clymmað on gecyndo. Sal. 414. II a. natural condition, lot to which one is born :-- Beó gehealden on ðínum gecynde, ðonne hæfst ðú genóh be content with your lot, then you will have enough, ProIII. the character or quality derived from birth or native constitution, natural disposition, nature :-- Seó gesceádwíslice gecynd rationales natura, Past. 349, 25. Wæs úre gecynd geedneówod, Bl. H. 11, 10. Þisses fugles gecynd fela gelíces be Crístes þegnum beácnað, Ph. 387. Hwæt is heora (the elements) ǽlces gecynd? Ðæs fýres gecynd is hát and dríe ... Hwylces gecyndes is seó heofon? Fýres gecyndes, Angl. vii. 12, 104-108. On gimma gecynde (natura) carbunculus bið diórra ðonne iacintus ... ðæs ðe sió endebyrdnes and ðæt gecynd (naturae ordo) forwiernð ðǽm iacinte, se wlite hit eft geiécð, and ðeáh ðe ðæt gecynd and sió endebyrdnes (naturalis ordo) ðæs carbuncules hine úp áhebbe, his blïóh hine gescent, Past. 411, 25-32. Sió fordrúgade gecyndo, Lch. ii. 222, 4. Hys gecynde is swíþe hát and slǽpbǽre, i. 284, 22. Þysum wífe wæs inne swýðe fýrenu and hát gecynde (gecynd, v.l.) þæs líchaman (valde ignea conspersio corporis) ... ongunnon lǽcas secgan ꝥ hire wolden beardas weaxan for þǽre hǽte hyre gecyndes ... heó wearð for þǽre mycclan gecynde and hǽte þæs lustes gebeardedu, Gr. D. 279, 7-14. Þǽre eorðan gecynde (-cynd, v.l.) natura soli illius, Bd. 4, 28; Sch. 521, 13. Þæt híw úre týddran gecynde, Bl. H. 29, 4. Ðeáh hí ðæt gód hira gecynde gehál nolden gehealdan si accepta naturae bona integra servare noluerunt, Past. 403, 19. Stánas sint stilre gecynde and heardre, Bt. 34, 11; F. 150, 24. Ðeós wyrt is strangre gecynde, Lch. i. 274, 18. Þonne hió bið hátre gecyndo, ii. 220, 16: 20: 22: 26. Gif hé bið cealdre gecyndo, 284, 20. Heó nán þincg on hire næfð horses gecyndes, Hml. S. 21, 488. Hé bið getiéged tó óðrum monnum mid onlícre gecynde, Past. 111, 20. Him wæs on gecynde ꝥ hé symble wæs reád on his andwlitan cui ex conspersione semper facies rubere consueverat, Gr. D. 187, 15. For his gecynde conspersione, 17. Gecynde consparsione, Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 14: 19, 1: An. Ox. 4648 (the passage is consparsione ingenitam). Mid þǽre menniscan gecynd, Bl. H. 121, 30. Be wambe missenlicre gecyndo, Lch. ii. 220, 14. Of flǽsclicum gecynde, Past. 159, 1. Gewend tó ðám héhstan gecynde, þæt is God, Hml. Th. i. 262, 13. Æfter sóðum gecynde þæt wæter is brosniendlic wǽta, ii. 270, 5. Hé onféng þá ilcan gecynde, Bl. H. 23, 24. His þá menniscan gecynd, 127, 24. Wæstmas beóð þurh ágne gecynd eft ácende, Ph. 256: 329. Ásyndrod fram synnum þurh clǽne gecynd, Hy. 9, 11: 52. Mæge seó wyrd þé gedón þæt þá þing ðíne ágene sién, þá þe heora ágene gecynd þé gedydon fremde. Bt. 14, 1; F. 40, 32. Hé wæs on ánum háde twégra gecynda. Bl. H. 33, 33. IV. nature in general, in the abstract, the established order of things :-- His mód and his andgit ðæt gecynd áscierpð cujus sensum natura exacuit, Past. 69, 8. Seó gecynd hit onscunað þæt hié magon weorþan tógædere gemenged, Bt. 16, 3; F. 54, 13. Ic eom nú máre ymbe ꝥ gecynd (de naturali intentione) þonne ymbe þone willan ... þú miht witan be manegum þingum ꝥ ꝥ gecynd is swíþe micel. ... Má wilniaþ ðá nétenu ðæs ðe hí wilniað for gecynde (ex naturae principiis) þonne for willan ... hwílum þæt gecynd (natura) ofercymþ þone willan, 34, 11; F. 150, 31-152, 12. Hyngran, þyrstan ... eall ꝥ is of untrumnesse þæs gecyndes (ex infirmitate naturae est), Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 82, 26. Þára tó feala woroldwuniendra winð wið gecynde, Met. 13, 17. Þá þurh gecynd Críst heriað, Hy. 7, 24. Ealra wihta þára þe æfter gecyndum cenned wǽre, Rä. 40, 15. V. natural state or condition :-- Seó sáwl ne mæg forleósan ꝥ líf hire ágenre gecynde, Gr. D. 337, 5. Þæt hí bǽdon þæt ðá gyldenon gyrda eft tó þan ǽrran gecynde áwendon. ... Berað ðá gyrda tó wuda ... hí synd gecyrrede tó heora gecynde, Hml. Th. i. 68, 18-29. ꝥ wæter, gefylledre ðǽre ðénunge, hwearf eft to gecynde (ad naturam), Bd. 1, 7; Sch. 25, 17. Hwí ꝥ is weorþe, and eft for þǽre sunna scíman tó his ágnum gecynde weorþe, Bt. 39, 3; F. 216, 1: Met. 28, 62. Hí mé onhwyrfdon of þǽre gecynde þe ic ǽr cwic beheóld, Rä. 72, 4. VI. a natural quality, property, or characteristic :-- Úðwitan secgað þætte án gecynd ǽlcre sáwle yrsung wǽre, óðer wilnung, is seó þridde gecynd þǽm twǽm betere sió gesceádwísnes, Met. 20, 184-188. Is þæt micel gecynd þínes gódes ... for þon hit is eall án ... þú and þæt þín gód, 26: Bt. 33, 4; F. 128, 14. Is ꝥ formicel gecynd ꝥ úrum líchoman cymð eall his mægen of ðám mete þe wé þicgað, and ðeáh færð se mete út þurh ðone líchoman, 34, 11; F. 150, 34. Þú man worhtest and him ... sealdest word and gewitt and wæstma gecynd (the property of growth), Hy. 9, 56. Uþwitan secgaþ ꝥ sió sáwul hæbbe ðrió gecynd; án ðára gecynda is ꝥ heó biþ wilnigende ... twá ðára gecyndu (-a?) habbaþ nétenu, Bt. 33, 4; F. 132, 3-5. VII. gender, sex :-- Nim of eallum clǽnum nítenum seofen and seofen ǽgðres gecyndes (masculum et feminam), Gen. 7, 2: 3. VII a. sexual organs, v. gecynd-lim :-- Wépen, gecynd veretrum, Wrt. Voc. i. 44, 58. Swá hwylc man swá on gecynde (in genitalibus) óðerne wanhálne dó, Ll. Th. ii. 148, 17. Hié beheledon heora fæderes gecynd (cf. gesceapu, 22) operuerunt uerenda patris sui, Gen. 9, 23. Inádle on wífes gecyndon and on fótum, Lch. ii. 176, 1. VII b. = mónaþ-gecynd :-- Þú scealt simle þám wífe ... drenc sellan on þá ilcan tíd þe hire sió gecynd æt wǽre, Lch. ii. 330, 24. VIII. the manner or way natural or proper to any one, mode of action :-- Ðeáh hire biþ forwierned hire gecyndes ðurh þæs monnes willan, Bt. 34, 11; F. 152, 13. Lamb spǽcan on mennisc gecynde. Mart. H. 2, 19. Hé (the whale) hafað óðre gecynd ... se mereweard múð ontýneð ..., Wal. 49. IX. character as determining the class to which a thing belongs, generic nature or quality :-- Se abbod cwæð on his gedwilde ꝥ úres Drihtenes líchama and his godcundnes wǽre ánes gecyndes. Ll. Th. ii. 374, 25. Sceáwa þǽr nú dúst, and drýge bán, þǽr þǽr þú ǽr gesáwe æfter flǽsclicre gecynde fægre leomu on tó seónne, Bl. H. 113, 22. X. family">a common origin">a race, a natural group of animals or plants having a common origin :-- Seó mennisce gecynd mæg mid rihte þǽm Scyppende lof secgean, Bl. H. 123, 3. Manna gecynd, El. 735. Nán gesceaft (gecynd, v.l.)... búton mon, Bt. 35, 4; F. 160, 24. Nis nænigu gecynd cwiclifigende, ne fugol ne fisc ..., Sal. 419. Þone feónd þisse menniscan gecynd, Bl. H. 31, 32. Þá hálgan setl gefylde mid þǽre menniscan gecynde, 121, 35: Past. 411, 32. Tó wlitegum engla gecynde, Hml. Th. i. 12, 14. Þú ... ealle gesceafta tósyndrodest on manega, sealdest ǽlce gecynd ágene wísan, Hy. 7, 66. Ne forseoh þú nǽfre þíne gecynd carnem tuam ne despexeris (Is. 58, 7), Bl. H. 37, 22. God geswác his weorces swá þæt hé ná má gecynda siððan ne gesceóp, ac swá þeáh hé gemenigfylt dæghwomlíce þá ylcan gecynd, Hml. Th. ii. 206, 10-12. XI. afamily, a tribe, nation :-- Gecynda nationum. Ps. Rdr. 286, 7. XI a. descendants, progeny :-- Wulfsie Wotringabyras innon ðæt gecynde cuidam Wulfsio dederunt Wotryngebyri, sibi et suae progeniei in haereditatem futuram (vi. 54, 25), C.D. ii. 381, 13: 14: 15: 18. XII. a class distinguished by common attributes, genus, sort :-- Woruldmonna seó unclǽne gecynd, Cri. 1017. Nán ðing ðæs gecyndes. Hml. Th. ii. 370, 5. Eorðan gecynda, Cri. 1181. v. eald-, inwit-, médren-, mónaþ-, sundor-gecynd. ge-cynd

Mots connexes: K. 50.
