Ge-dǽlan. i
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-dǽlan. i
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-dǽlan. I
- of a material whole. (a) where the parts are no longer in contact">to divide a whole into parts. (1) of a material whole. (a) where the parts are no longer in contact :-- Stánas uneáþe tósomne cumaþ, gif hí gedǽlede (tódǽlde, ) weorþaþ, Bt. 34, 11; F. 150, 25. (b) where the parts remain in contact, to mark the limits of the parts. Cf. VI a :-- Is se finta fægre gedǽled, sum brún, sum basu, sum splottum beseted, Ph. 295. (2) of a non-material whole, to distinguish the component parts of :-- For þám ꝥ héhste gód wǽre mistlic and on swá manigfeald gedǽled, ꝥ pound; hit nán mon ne mæg eall habban, Bt. 34, 9 ; F. 146, 17. II. to dissolve union, part company :-- Þeáh his líc and gǽst hyra somwiste gedǽlden, Gú. 942. Þú freóde scealt gedǽlan, álǽtan lufan míne, Cri. 166. Síð wæs gedǽled, Exod. 207. III. to separate (1) two or more objects :-- God leóht and þýstro gedǽlde divisit lucem a tenebris (Gen. I. 4), Cri. 228. Hié heápum tóhlódon hleóðrum gedǽlde, Gen. 1693. (2) to part man and wife :-- Hé gedǽlde wíf and wǽpned, Gen. 27, 44. Wit beótedan þæt unc ne gedǽlde nemne deáð ána ówiht elles, Kl. 22. (3) to separate one object from another :-- Hé gedǽlde þæt leóht fram þám þeóstrum, Gen. l, 4. Hé mynte þæt hé gedǽlde ánra gehwylces líf wið líce, B. 731. Hé sceolde gedǽlan feorh wið flǽsce, Ap. 36. Hé wilnode þæt hé wurde gedǽled wið hý and wið heora yfelnesse, Ps. Th. 41, arg. III a. used reflexively. (1) to part from one another :-- Gif wit unc gedǽlað, Rä. 82, 7. Þeáh seó sáwl and se líchama hý gedǽlan, Solil. H. 66, 6. (2) of married people :-- Hié be him lifgendum hié gedǽldun, Chr. 718; P. 42, 20. Wer and wíf ðá ðe on hǽmede geþeódde wǽron . . . mid hyra bégra geþafunge hí hig gedǽlon (separentur). Ll. Th. ii. 150, 30. (3) to separate oneself from (a) a material object :-- Ic mé ondréde þæt ic mé scyle gedǽlan wið mine freóud, oððe hí wið mé, Solil. H. 33, 11. (β) from a non-material object, to cease to do :-- Nó hé hine wið monna miltse gedǽlde, ac gesynta bæd sáwla gehwylcre, Gú. 302. III b. to form a dividing line between objects :-- Hæfde wederwolcen wídum fæðmum eorðan and úprodor efne gedǽled, Exod. 76. IV. intrans. To separate, (1) to go away from one another, part :-- Ðǽr nǽfre leófe ne gedǽlað, ne láðe ne gemétað, Wlfst. 204, 24. Mé gedǽlað, sibbe tóslítað sinhíwan tú (body and soul), Jul. 697. Syððan hié gedǽldon (or under V a ?), An. 5. (2) of a whole, to separate into parts, split up :-- Hé gehéht ðǽm meniga ꝥ hé gedǽlde (should separate into companies; discumberet) ofer eorðu, Mt. L. 15, 35. V. to share. (1) of a material whole. (a) where the parts are no longer in contact">to divide into parts and take them, divide an inheritance, spoil, & c. :-- Oft weorðlic reáf men gedǽlað dividers spolia, Ps. Th. 67, 12. Þte UNCERTAIN hé gidǽle mec mið ꝥ erfe ut diuidat hereditatem mecum, Lk. R. L. 12, 13. Sceal yrfe gedǽled deádes monnes, Gn. Ex. 80. Habbad emne gedǽled dæg and nihte sunne and móna, Met. 29, 35. (l a) of the partition and occupation of land :-- Þý geáre Healfdene Norþanhymbra lond gedǽlde, Chr. 876; P. 74, 12. Gefor se here on Mierena lond, and hit gedǽldon sum, and sum Ceólwulfe saldon, 877; P. 74, 22. ¶ of the diversity existing among the earth's inhabitants :-- Is þes middangeard dálum gedǽled there is great diversity among those who live on the earth, Gú. 25. (2) to get advantage from, have a share in :-- Gifstól sceal gegierwed stondan, gif hine guman gedǽlen (if men have their part in it, i. e. get gifts from the king ?), Gn. Ex. 69. Gedǽlan Dryhtnes þecelan, Sal. 418. (3) to get, enjoy :-- Ðý lǽs ðá ídlo gidǽle ne uanitates [h]auriat, Rtl. 162, 32. Ealle his ǽhta ríce réðemann gedǽle scrutetur foenerator omnem substantiam ejus, Ps. Th. 108, ii. V a. intrans. To make a division of work :-- Syððan hié gedǽldon (or under IV. l), swá him Dryhten hlyt getǽhte after they (the apostles) had apportioned the work among themselves, as the Lord himself had shewn the portion of each to be, An. 5. VI. to distribute. (1) to scatter objects :-- Þá freátorhtestan tunglan [wurdon] gedǽlede limpida lumina spargerentur, An. Ox. 1686. (2) to spend :-- Ne þurfon wé ná tó úrum mǽgum . . . ðencean tó ðám swýþe, þæt him man æfter his forðsýþe tó ðám micel fore gedǽle, þæt hí hine fram wítan álýsan, Wlfst. 306, 5. Þ UNCERTAIN ꝥ ofer byð ic hohgie swá ændebyrdlíce gedélan swá icændebyrdlícost mæg divitias, si prouenerint, saþientissime atque cautis-sime administrandas esse, Solil. H. 35, 19. Áspendre, gedǽledre erogate, i. dispensate, An. Ox. 1841. Þǽre gedǽledan erogante, Wrt. Voc. ii. 33, 3. (3) of almsgiving :-- Hé his ǽhta þearfendum gedǽleð dedit pauperibus, Ps. Th. in, 8. Þone þriddan dǽl hé þearfum gedǽlde (distribuit), Bd. 5, 12 ; Sch. 614, 13. Sié þæt feóh gedǽled þearfum, Ll. Th. i. 198, 12. Ðonne ðú ealle gedǽlde hæfst, þonne bist ðú ðé self wǽdla, Bt. 13 ; F. 38, 35. (4) to give as a person's share, hand over, give :-- Sumne se hára wulf deáðe gedǽlde, Wand. 83. Hié þín feorh ne magon deáðe gedǽlan, An. 95 7: 1219. (5) of the dispensations of Providence, to allot, assign, grant :-- Hé gedǽleð, sé þe áh dómes geweald, missenlíce leóda leoðocræftas londbúendum, Crii. 27. Dreámas hé gedǽlde, Sae. 19. Swá beóð módsefan dálum gedǽled, Mod. 22. Á þé bið gedǽled, . . . wunað wísdóm in, Fä. 48. For hwám nǽron eorð-welan ealle gedǽled leódum gelíce ?, Sal. 342. (6) to utter words. Cf. tó-dǽlan; XI :-- Mín gehát þæt míne weleras ǽr wíse gedǽldan, Ps. Th. 65, 12. VI a. to diffuse, spread :-- Ðerh gedǽlde perfudit. Mt. p. 20, 2. v. efen-gedǽlan; ge-dál. ge-dælan