
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-dwola

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

one who errs. Add: I. one who acts wrongly, a wicked person :-- 'Wá dám ðe talað yfel tó góde, and gód tó yfele . . . Swilc gerihtwísiað þone árleásan for sceattum'. . . Eft cwæð Salomon be swilcum gedwolum : 'Hí (impii) blissiað on yfelnesse, ' Hml. Th. ii. 322 20, II. one who errs from imperfect knowledge :-- Geleáfanungelǽredes folces and gedwolena fidem indocti vulgi ac neofitorum, ngl. xiii. 421, 803. III. one who errs in matters of doctrine, a heretic :-- Arrianus wæs se mǽsta gedwola þe of mancynne cóme, Ll. Th. ii. 374, I: Hml. A. 59, 196. Olimpius wæs eác gedwola on úres Drihtnes geleáfan (in respect to his belief in our Lord), 204. Sé þe him (the apostles and wise teachers) wiðcwyð and heora gesetnessum, hé byð gedwola, 22, 199 : Hml. S. l, 19. Valens wæs on Críste gefullod, ac hé ne cúþe his geleáfan, ac folgode gedwylde . . . Se gedwola, 3, 299. Nestorum þone gedwolan þe cwæð ꝥ on Críste wǽron twégen hádas, 1. Th. ii. 374, 18. Þ UNCERTAIN hálige goðspell hæfð oferswíðod swylcera gewolena andgit, Hml. S. 1, 8. IV. one who wanders in his mind, a frantic person :-- Ged(w)olan lymphaticus, An. Ox. ii. 176. ge-dwola