Ge-edstaþelian (-stálian)

Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-edstaþelian (-stálian)

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

ge-edstaþelian (-stálian)
Add: to re-establish. I. to restore to well-being. (1) physical, (a) of persons :-- Þú hǽlðe geed-staðelast. Hml. Th. i. 466, 8. Hé tó þám geedstaþoledan (the man restored to health) cwæð, Hml. A. 198, 119. (b) of things, to repair, make sound again :-- Geedstaþeles suscitabis (i. instaurabis hanc veteranam civitatem et pene mortuam in juvenculam). An. Ox. 2137. 'Geed-staðela þás tócwýsedan gymstánas'. . . Ðá wurdon ðá gymstánas ansunde, Hml. Th. i. 62, 12. Þú ðe geedstaþolo[dest ?] (restitues) yrfeweard-nysse míne mé, Ps. L. 15, 5. (2) moral or spiritual :-- Þú geedstaðelodest ðisne tóbrocenan middangeard, Hml. Th. i. 62, ii. Sceoldon ealle heofenlice ðing and eorðlice beón geedstaðelode on Críste, 214, 25. II. to restore, renew what has been exhausted, to rebuilda ruin :-- Þá hálgan mynstru ... tórorene geendstálude (restauravit), Angl. xiii. 366, 15. Ðurh hine (Noah) wearð mancynn geedstaþelod, Hml. S. 16, 24. III. to repeat, establish for a second time :-- Geetstaþoliat instaurant (hostes superati bellum), An. Ox. 11, 80. Hé (Antichrist) geedstaðelað níwe tempel þǽr þǽr Salamon hæfde ǽr árǽred þæt mǽre tempel, Wlfst. 195, 4. ge-edstaþelian -stalian