
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-fealdan

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: (1) to wrap up, roll up :-- Ðæt yfelwillende mód gefielt hit self twyfeald oninnan him selfum, and sió twyfealdnes ðæs yflan willan hiene selfne twyfealdne gefielt oninnan him selfum malitiosae mentis duplicitas sese intra se colligit, Past. 242, 6-9. Hé gefielt his mód mid wóre twiefealdnesse ad semetipsa duplicitatis perversitate corda replicuntur, 245, 15. Án clíwen suíðe nearwe gefealden (involutum), 241, 24. Gefalden bóc volumen, Mt. p. 1, 7. Ne bið gifalden non flectetur, Rtl. 84, 53. (1 a) to involve, implicate :-- Nǽnig man compigende Gode gifalde hine (inplicat se) gimótum woruldlicum, Rtl. 60, 11. (2) to roll about :-- Hé gefeald hine uolutabatur, Mk. R. 9, 20. [O. H. Ger. ge-faldan complicare, convolvere.] Cf. ge-fildan. ge-fealdan