
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-feormian

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Take III separate from I and II, and to these add: I. to entertain as a guest, II :-- Se Godes wer þe Quadragesimus þǽr gefeormode (-ferm-, v.l.) vir Dei qui receptus hospitio fuerat, Gr. D. 215, 25. II. to entertain as an obligation, v. feormian; V :-- Hé þére cirican láforde geselle éghwelce gére ðrittig scillinga and hine áne niht gefeormige, Cht. Th. 105, 9 : Chr. 852 ; P. 65, 28. III. to feast, v. feormian ; VI :-- Heródes his witan gefeormode Herodes cenam fecit principibus, Hml. Th. i. 480, 28. Hé ǽlce dæge symblede and mid micelre wiste wæs gefeormod epulabatur quotidie splendide, Past. 337, 25. ge-feormian

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