Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-fillan
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-fillan
- p. de. Take here passages given under ge-fyllan. to fell, and add: To cause to fall. I. to fell. (1) to strike down a living creature :-- Feónd gefyldan, . . . anð hí hyne ábroten hæfdon, sibæðelingas, B. 2 706. Gif hé man tó deáðe gefylle. Ll. Th. i. 170, 10. Ealle ic mihte feóndas gefyllan, hwæðre ic fæste stód, Kr. 38. Ne wearð wæl máre folces ge-fylled sweordes ecgum, Chr. 937 ; P. I 10, (I a) fig. :-- Hé úp áhóf hond his ofer hié ðæt hé gefælde hié (ut prosterneret eos), Ps. Srt. 105, 26. (2) to cut down wood :-- Þá hét ic of þǽm wudo þe þǽr gefylled wæs, ꝥ mon fýr onǽlde, Nar. 12, 28. II. to strike down with disease, destroy :-- Hæfde hé gefylled frumbeama fela, Exod. 38. III. to overthrow in argument, confute :-- Gefælde deslruxit (temtantes), Mt. p. 19, 6. let fall, drop (trans.) :-- Ofer ðone se stán bið gifælled supra quem lapis ceciderit, Lk. R. L. 20, 18. V. to cause to cease, put an end to :-- Þæt Pater Noster morðor gefylleð, ádwǽsceð deófles fýr, Sal. 41. Geflit gefælde, Lk. p. II, 4. Gifælle ðás líchomes untrymnisse prosternere istam corporis infirmitatem, Rtl. 115, 11. ge-fillan