
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-flít

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

l. -flit,

and add :-- Geflit capistrinum. Wrt. Voc. ii. 103, 33 : capestrinum, 13, 60. Compung and geflit concertatio, 20, 40. Geflit and gecíd divortium, 28, 26. Cavillum, cavillatio bismrung, geflit convitium, 129, 68. Geflile divortio, 28, 14. (1) strife, contention in the abstract :-- Nis þǽr (heaven) ege, ne geflit, ne yrre, ne nǽnig wiþer-weardnes. Bl. H. 25, 31. Oferhýdo ond geflite and æfeste animositati, contentioni, inuidiae, Bd. 1, 14 ; Sch. 38, 24. Gefeoht þe of geflite cymð betwux ceastergewarum bellum ciuile. Hml. S. 25, 711. (2) a dispute, contest, difference, (a) in an unfavourable sense :-- Geflit tumultus, Mt. L. 27, 24. Geflitt (giflit, R.) ánorden uæs bituih Iudéum dissensio facta est inter Iudaeos, Jn. 10, 19. Geflitt schisma, 9, 16. Lǽtað áweg ealle saca and ǽlc geflitt, and gehealdað þás tíd mid sibbe and mid sóðre lufe, Hml. Th. i. 180, I. Ðonne betweoxn eów bið yfel anda and geflitu (contentio), Past. 345, 14. Hié styrigað geflitu (-flietu, and geciid rixae occasionem commovent, 293, 20. Geseah hé ðá mǽstan geflitu (-fleoto, v.l.) and gewinn þára werigra gásta uidit. . . maxima malig norum spirituum certamina, Bd. 3, 19 ; . Sch. 278, 7. (b) where there is no ill-will :-- Þæt Herebald fram ðám geflite (certamine) [a race] hine áhebbe, Bd. 5, 6; Sch. 575, 16. (3) in a military sense :-- Hié woldon . . . gefeohtan . . . and monig ígland áwéstan on ðǽm geflite, Ors. 3, 11 ; 5. 144, 36. On þǽre tíde wǽron Iudan on miclum geflite and on micelre unsibbe wið þá landleóde adversus incolas Iudaei afrocissima bella gesserunt, 6, 10; S. 266, l. Hié micel geflit hæfdon in arma surgentes,6. 34; S. 290, 24. (4) a contest with words, dispute, disputation, argument :-- Áworden wæs geflit (giflitt, R., contentio) bituih him huelc hiora geseen woere mára, Lk. L. 22, 24. Þ UNCERTAIN geflit, p. ii. 3. Geflites, tale disputationis, i. certationis, An. Ox. 2267. On geflite certamine (v. Ald. 151, 35). Wrt. Voc. ii. 91. 8 : 19, 31. Geflit conflictum (contra certantes arte magistros), 91, 6. Æfter þyssum wǽron manegu geflitu. Bl. H. 187, 7. Geflitum conflictibus (disputans], Wrt. Voc. ii. 81, 25: 18, 27. (5) in a legal sense, a dispute that is to be settled by a judge, a contested case :-- Higa eóde of ðám geflite (cf. Higa wolde him oðflítan ðæt lond, 169, 23), Cht. Th. 174, 2. Hwí biþ elles ǽlce dæg swelc seófung and swelce geflitu and gemót and dómas unde forenses querimoniae ?, Bt. 26, 2 ; F. 92, 16. Geflitum negotiis, An. Ox. 539I. Ðæt hé gesette óðre for hine tó démenne betweox ðám folce ymbe hira gefiita (-o, v.l.) ut pro se alios adjurgia dirimenda constituat, Past. 131, 16. (5 a) figurative :-- In þám freóndlican geflite (contentione) þǽre wrixiendlican eádmódnesse þǽr eóde tó genóh rihtwís déma, ꝥ wæs se cniht þe wæs átogen of þám wætre, Gr. D. 116, 6. ¶ tó geflites :-- Tó geflites certatim, i. strenue, An. Ox. 106: 2232. Ǽlc óþrum tó geflites (certatim), hú hé swýðust mæge, hýrsumige, R. Ben. 132, 2. Tó geflites hé swincað on weorce certatim in opere laborantes, 136, 15. v. fyrn-, samod-, weorold-geflit. ge-flit

Mots connexes: l.)
