Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-fyrn
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-fyrn
- long ago. Add:--Gefyrn ǽr jam [pridem ?], An. Ox. 56, 93. (1) in contrast with 'just now,' where a comparatively short period may be in question:--Hé gefyrn smeáde hwǽr hí bigleofan biddan sceoldon, ðá ðá hí ðá fare férdon búton wiste, Hml. Th. ii. 138, 32. Praeteritum plusquamperfectum is forðgewiten máre þonne fulfremed, for ðan ðe hit wæs gefyrn gedón: steteram ic stód gefyrn, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 124, 9. (1 a) in reference to a previous part of a treatise or discourse:--Ðeós Anna þe wé gefyrn ǽr embe sprǽcon, Hml. Th. i. 148, 10: Bt. 33, 4; F. 130, 24. Ic ðé sǽde gefyrn ǽr on ðisse ilcan béc, 35, 3; F. 158, 32. Ǽr gefyrn, 36, 7; F. 182, 29. Gefirn ǽr, Solil. H. 54, 1. (2) of a period considerable, (a) in respect to a person's life:--Hé wiste his geendunge gefyrn ǽr hé férde fram ðissum lífe, Hml. Th. ii. 516, 1. Hú gefyrn hé gelýfde, 310, 15. Gefirn (quatuordecim fere anni), Solil. H. 35, 12. Ꝥ is ꝥ ic gefyrnost gemunan mæg, Hml. S. 30, 322. (b) in respect to all past time:--Gefyrn antiquitus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 85, 18. Ephese hátte þeós burh, and heó wel gefyrn swá geháten wæs, Hml. S. 23, 550. Ús þe gefyrn on deáþes dymnysse sǽton, Nic. 12, 36: Crl. 63. Se ealda cuide þe mon gefyrn cwæþ, Bt. 14, 2; F. 44, 12. God behét gefyrn worulde Abrahame, Hml. Th. ii. 12, 23. Hé wæs gefyrn worulde, and swíþe fela geara synd nú ágáne syððan hé gewát of þysan lífe, Hml. S. 23, 727. Swá Sedulus iú gefyrn giddode, Angl. viii. 332, 16.