Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-fyrþran
Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :
- ge-fyrþran
- Add:, -fyrþrian. I. trans. To advance, promote the interests of, support, help on:--Ic þé gefyrþrede mid mínum lárum tó þon ꝥ þé mon tó dómere geceás thanks to my instructions you were advanced to a judgeship, Bt. 8; F. 24, 29. Datius wæs gefyrðrod mid trymnesse rihtes geleáfan, Gr. D. 184, 15. Gefyrþredo fulta, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 52. Gefyrþrede freti, 33, 47. I a. to help by giving, to endow, enrich:--Eádgár cynincg þone crístendóm gefyrðrode, and fela munuclífa árǽrde, Hml. S. 21, 446. Ðone freóls hí gefriðodon and gefyrðredon, þeáh hé on gewrite ne stóde, Cht. Th. 115, 35. Hé ðisne freóls ǽfre gefyrþrian wolde, 116, 19. Hí sind mid gifum and gestreónum gefyrþrode, Bt. 3, 4; F. 6, 27. II. intrans. [N. E. D. to further (intrans.)] to get on, be enriched:--Gefyrðro (gifyrdro) ditor, Txts. 57, 678: Wrt. Voc. ii. 25, 50. [O. L. Ger. gi-furthren promovere.? ge-fyrþran