
Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon de Bosworth & Toller - ge-gaderung

Selon le Dictionnaire Anglo-Saxon :

Add: I. a joining together, union, a joint, bond; what results from joining. (1) in the following glosses:--Gegederung conpagem, Wrt. Voc. ii. 104, 80. Gegæderong, 15, 10. Compagem, juncturam vel gegaderung, 132, 70. Gegaderunga copulas, 23, 59. (2) a joining together to form a whole:--Ǽr þon þe hé þǽre gerýnelican gegaderinge menniscre gebyrde onfénge before he received the mysterious joining together and compacting of the body (cf. Eph. 4, 16) that precedes the birth of man, Bl. H. 165, 35. (3) a whole formed by joining:--Hwæþer þé þynce unweorþ seó gegaderung ðára þreóra þinga, ðonne þá þreó biþ tó ánum gedón, Bt. 33, 1; F. 120, 29. (4) what joins, a bond:--Hí beóð álýsde fram þǽre gegaderunge heora líchaman a carnis suae copula solvantur, Gr. D. 277, 14. (5) the union of persons in friendship, marriage, &c.:--Hú gerád hiora gegaderung wæs . . . hǽmedes þe þæs gástes, Hml. A. 200, 161. Gyftlicere gegæderunge nuptialis copule, An. Ox. 4402. Heálice gegaderunga (legitima conjugia) ne mót mon gesceádan bútan bégea geðafunga, Ll. Th. ii. 152, 33. II. a gathering together of people, a congregation, an assembly, a synagogue:--Gegaderung congregatio, concio, Wrt. Voc. i. 50, 29: sinagoga, 16, 53. Sume naman synd collectiva . . . congregatio gegaderung, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 13, 12. Seó gegaderung (consilium) þára áwyrgedra mé ofsǽton, Ps. Th. 21, 14. Gegæderunga congregationis, R. Ben. I. 107, 2. Fram gegaderunge mycelre a concilio multo, Ps. Spl. 39, 14. On swylcere gegaderunge (the feast of Ahasuerus), Hml. A. 93, 45. III. a collection of material, accumulation. (1) as a verbal noun:--Hí nyton nán óþer gód ðonne eallra ðára deórwyrðestena ðinga gegaderunga tó heora anwealde, Bt. 24, 4; F. 86, 5. (2) collected material:--Þúsendfealdre gegaderuncge millena congerie (i. cumulo), An. Ox. 435. Gegæderunge, hýpe congerie (prunarum), 4780. On reáde gegæderunge (hýpan) in rubicundas (gemmarum) congeries (i. congregationes), 1822. (2 a) in a medical sense, a collection of diseased matter:--Gyf þǽr hwylc gegaderung biþ, heó þá áfeormaþ, Lch. i. 228, 22. Wið ealle gegaderunga þæs yfelan wǽtan of þám líchoman, 236, 18. Wið cyrnlu and wið ealle yfele gegaderunga, 300, 1. Wið gehwylce gegaderunge, 322, 1 note. ge-gaderung